Diary of a madwoman...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Ozzie would be proud:



This afternoon at the People's State of the Union Address in DC where I was joined by Congresspersons Lynn Woolsey and John Conyers, Ann Wright, Malik Rahim and John Cavanagh. Lynn brought me a ticket to the State of the Union Address. At that time, I was wearing the shirt that said: 2,245 Dead. How many more?

The 'People': http://www.codepinkalert.org/article.php?list=type&type=106
Nothing here, just trying to make sure her speech is no abrigded.

You can read the Moore link to get Cindys reasons for why she eneded up at the State of the Union Speech. It's worth the laughs.


I wore the shirt to make a statement


I did not wear it to be disruptive


Keep up the struggle...I promise you I will too.

Again, read her whole story on the first link because there is no short version. I'd have to link the whole thing to do her story justice.


professional daydreamer
I forget who, but someone wearing a "support our troops" t-shirt was also asked to leave.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
elaine said:
I forget who, but someone wearing a "support our troops" t-shirt was also asked to leave.
That would be a Republican Representative's wife and he is highly pissed about it. :lol:

My first thought on hearing about Ms. Sheehan was, "What kind of low rent hillbilly wears a frickin' t-shirt to the State of the Union address????" What next - flip flops? :rolleyes:


In My Opinion
I understand that there has been a dress code for ever when it came to certain functions in washington. The SOTU address is one of those functions.

I bet she would have been thrown out for wearing a t-shirt that promoted President Bush and his brilliant agenda.

the women is just a serious flake and needs to seek treatment.

and the california ho that gave her the ticket did so in an attempt to disrupt the address, and she should be removed from office by the force of four horses pulling equally in four directions at the same time.... ok, ok, maybe a simple public repremand would work too.