Dancing Up A Storm
Wow! Awesome show in TV last night! CSI, Las Vegas. It was one of the best episodes I've ever seen of that show! Basically, it was about a young male Hollywood star(looked like Brad Pitt, maybe) who murdered two gals in a hotel. Then tried to cover it up. Then he hires a high-profile lawyer and a mentor of the chief investgator at CSI Las Vegas in order to save his @$$; But this mentor wasn't working on CSI's behalf! He was trying his best to show inconsistancies of the evidence they produced, and their methods.
I'm not going to give it all away, because they'll probably do a rerun on it, and I would not want to spoil it.
:razz2: penn
I'm not going to give it all away, because they'll probably do a rerun on it, and I would not want to spoil it.
:razz2: penn