Did anyone have a

membrane sweep when they were pregnant.

If so, how far along were you?

How dilated were you?


Thanks in advance. :huggy: I am asking to have this done on Thursday (39 week appt).


Well-Known Member
They normally dont do that until your 40 weeks. I know you are uncomfortable but that baby needs to cook a little longer. :huggy:


Well-Known Member
They offered it at 38 :shrug: I am hoping the offer is still on the table on Thursday.

Really? Wow they usually dont do that until 40 weeks. Well if they offered go for it. Just be aware it is painful. It feels like they are scraping at your insides w/ a knife lol. I had it done and STILL had to be induced a week later. IMO it wasnt worth it to go through that pain.


New Member
I had a Dr. do it with my first baby at 40 weeks & 3cm & I didn't know she had done it until after the fact. I was extremely pissed off that she did it without my consent or even informing me of what she had done. I called my Mom(who is a nurse) after that appointment & told her what happened that's when she told me what the OB had done. I started bleeding & almost passed out in waiting room trying to make my next appointment. It still took 2 more weeks before my son was born.


Dr. Polko did this to me a few years ago. I was 40 weeks and coming back the next day to be induced. She didn't tell me she was going to do it and it hurt. She said it is better to be surprised then to know what's coming. It only took a few seconds.
Dr. Polko did this to me a few years ago. I was 40 weeks and coming back the next day to be induced. She didn't tell me she was going to do it and it hurt. She said it is better to be surprised then to know what's coming. It only took a few seconds.

Did it put you into labor??? :jet:


New Member
Dr. Polko did this to me a few years ago. I was 40 weeks and coming back the next day to be induced. She didn't tell me she was going to do it and it hurt. She said it is better to be surprised then to know what's coming. It only took a few seconds.

She did it without your consent? I would think this would be a medical procedure you would need to agree to.... (at least, I wouldn't want my doctor doing this particular intervention without my consent.)