Did Gorelick's infamous memo provide the missing link between Chinagate and 9/11?


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"Recall, too, that during the time of Ms. Gorelick's 1995 memo, the issue causing the most tension between the Reno-Gorelick Justice Department and Director Freeh's FBI was not counterterrorism but widely reported allegations of contributions to the Clinton-Gore campaign from foreign sources, involving the likes of John Huang and Charlie Trie." The Wall Street Journal, Thursday, April 15, 2004

Hats off to the Wall Street Journal for a spectacular observation, perhaps the Rosetta Stone of postmillennial national security. Let its boiled-down essence not escape your attention: the ongoing dividends of Chinagate may well have included 9/11.

And history may be repeating itself. Let me explain.

Interesting read


Not dead yet.
Yeesh. That article makes some good points. If we hadn't been so blinded by the Clinton justice department, we might have had a better chance of stopping those guys before they got going.

Hindsight is 20/20.