Did you hear the Hoyer/Jewitt debate?


New Member
That's becuase there wasn't one.

Hoyer turned turned down the request for a public debate.

WNAV 1430 AM has canceled a scheduled Tuesday debate because Rep. Steny Hoyer did not respond. “It should be of great concern to the residents of our district that the incumbent will not debate the issues,” Jewitt noted. “He is clearly more interested in campaigning in other states than working to earn your vote,” Jewitt continued.

Maryland Public Television (MPT) has traditionally done a head-to-head debate in the congressional races. However, due to staff shortages, they will not host a debate in any congressional race in 2004. WNAV stepped up to fill the void. “It’s one thing for Mr. Hoyer to turn down a challenge to a debate issued by me, but for him to reject the efforts of a third party to keep the residents of the Fifth District informed, is completely out of line,” Jewitt asserted. “I am ready to debate Mr.. Hoyer at any time, assuming he will make time for his constituents to be informed,” Jewitt proclaimed.

See the following Jewitt for Congress press release for details.
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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member

Hoyer thinks he has everything wrapped up. He may, but I hope that the 5th District voters will wake up. I can hope.


New Member
Why would Congressman Hoyer debate an uncredible candidate who offers little to nothing for the protection of vital Southern Maryland interests?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
rraley said:
Why would Congressman Hoyer debate an uncredible candidate who offers little to nothing for the protection of vital Southern Maryland interests?
Because, I and other voters would like him to.


Sorry about that chief.
I read the candidates positions in the Enterprise yesterday, and I must say that Jewitt isn't as big a nut as the other two running against Hoyer. But, Jewitt will most certainly get beaten like a rented mule, his whole platform was "I served in the USMC". Well, whoop-di-do, so did the crazy trumpet player on 18th & Pennsylvania, but he won't get my vote.


jlabsher said:
I read the candidates positions in the Enterprise yesterday, and I must say that Jewitt isn't as big a nut as the other two running against Hoyer. But, Jewitt will most certainly get beaten like a rented mule, his whole platform was "I served in the USMC". Well, whoop-di-do, so did the crazy trumpet player on 18th & Pennsylvania, but he won't get my vote.

:yeahthat: My vote goes to Hoyer. 5th District needs Hoyer. Jewitt would lead Southern Maryland down a path of no return. Hoyer has done well for us, and there is no reason to send him out of office.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Rapture Man said:
Actually there's plenty. And you need look no further than his own voting record in the Senate to find them.
Maybe you should edit that to read House versus Senate.


Asperger's Poster Child
I'm disappointed that the debate was planned for WNAV, an Annapolis station, instead of a station in the 5th District. I've never even heard of that station.


Active Member
rraley said:
Why would Congressman Hoyer debate an uncredible candidate who offers little to nothing for the protection of vital Southern Maryland interests?
When we inherited Hoyer as our representative, he had done nothing for the protection of Southern Maryland interests. I will give him political credit in that he realized he had better change his position or his tenure would be short. He did just enough to pull the wool over gullible peoples eyes. Hoyer is the ultimate chameleon.

Brad Jewitt will adapt and do just as much, if not more, than Hoyer, simply because he will be a member of the majority party. We in Southern Maryland be just fine with Hoyer out of the picture.

If you had heard Jewitt on the radio yesterday, you might rethink your 'uncredible candidate' stance. The man sounded very credible to me.

jlabsher said:
But, Jewitt will most certainly get beaten like a rented mule, his whole platform was "I served in the USMC". Well, whoop-di-do, so did the crazy trumpet player on 18th & Pennsylvania, but he won't get my vote.
But he'll get mine. Semper Fi.
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New Member

I have to stick with Steny on this one. I just don't know enough about the Jewitt to really cast a vote for him. At least with Steny, I can pretty much determine how he will vote on things.


New Member
Hoyer will never get my vote. He is a simple tax and spend dem.

He wants to tax you more so he can spend more and give more to the special causes.

He simply doesn't care what the people he serves want. That is very apparent in his votes to increase taxes.

Mickey Mouse would get my vote before I gave the vote to Hoyer...


New Member
Aimhigh2000 said:
I have to stick with Steny on this one. I just don't know enough about the Jewitt to really cast a vote for him.

Which is no doubt exactly Hoyer would not want to debate Jewitt on WNAV radio or anywhere else if he can help it. Hoyer's advantages in name recognition and incumbent stature would be watered down by any debate that would place Jewitt on an equal footing.
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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Aimhigh2000 said:
I have to stick with Steny on this one. I just don't know enough about the Jewitt to really cast a vote for him. At least with Steny, I can pretty much determine how he will vote on things.
Every time I have written to Hoyer, I get a tap dance around the issue. His letter will repeat what the bill is about or some other nonsense but never answer the question or address the issue raised. :ding:

I have written to him about some Constitutional concerns and gotten a response with content that shows me that he knows little or nothing about the document he has sworn to protect and uphold.


New Member
2ndAmendment said:
I have written to him about some Constitutional concerns and gotten a response with content that shows me that he knows little or nothing about the document he has sworn to protect and uphold.

No, 2A, the thing is that not everyone in this nation agrees with the interpretations of the Constitution that you articulate; it is not that Congressman Hoyer knows nothing of the Constitution. It is perfectly fine for you to believe that the exact letter of the Constitution should be followed all the time even if it was written by men who also believed that blacks were 3/5 a person, that women were not informed enough to vote, and that only rich, property owners had the ability to understand the issues and vote. I am not going to tell you that I believe that you know nothing of the Constitution, because you quite obviously do, but I will completely disagree with your interpretation.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
rraley said:
No, 2A, the thing is that not everyone in this nation agrees with the interpretations of the Constitution that you articulate; it is not that Congressman Hoyer knows nothing of the Constitution. It is perfectly fine for you to believe that the exact letter of the Constitution should be followed all the time even if it was written by men who also believed that blacks were 3/5 a person, that women were not informed enough to vote, and that only rich, property owners had the ability to understand the issues and vote. I am not going to tell you that I believe that you know nothing of the Constitution, because you quite obviously do, but I will completely disagree with your interpretation.
When the man quotes "separation of church and state" when the 1st Amendment specifically only limits Congress from making a law or saying that the 2nd Amendment only applies to the National Guard when the National Guard was formed about 100 years after the 2nd Amendment was written shows a marked lack of knowledge to me.

He is a "liberal" in the political meaning of the word; not liberal thinking but for a liberal interpretation of the Constitution. The founders themselves said that the Constitution was to be interpreted with the meaning of when it was written, not with any meaning that could possibly be stretched out of it. I've posted the quotes before. Want them again?