Did you know...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...that WalMart is currently facing 5,000 lawsuits of various shapes and sizes, from in store accidents to the largest discrimination suit in history?

Five thousand.


This Space for Rent
Larry Gude said:
...that WalMart is currently facing 5,000 lawsuits of various shapes and sizes, from in store accidents to the largest discrimination suit in history?

Five thousand.

And has around 6000 stores... not including shipping warehouses, administration offices, etc....

I don't think that number is that bad with the number of employees, the number of locations (admin, storage, etc...), and the number of new projects they deal with on a daily basis. Not in this lawsuit happy society.

A store that size seems like you would expect there to be at least one lawsuit, of some form, facing each store. Whether it was employment related, trying to prevent one being built, trying to prevent one moving, accident related, etc...

Just MHO.


This Space for Rent
Ahh found some interesting WalMart facts... (these are as of 2002)

Annual sales: $220 billion

Number of employees worldwide: 1.28 million

Number of stores worldwide: 4,382

Supercenters: 1,060

Sam's Clubs: 495

New stores opening in 2002: 420

Number of suppliers: 30,000

U.S. state with the most Wal-Marts: Texas (316)

State with the fewest: Vermont (4)

Value today of 100 shares of Wal-Mart stock, purchased in 1970 at the offering price of $16.50 per share: $11.5 million

Rank of Wal-Mart among all retailers in annual grocery sales in the United States: 1

Rank in jewelry sales: 1

Percentage of Procter & Gamble's (PG) $40 billion in annual sales accounted for by Wal-Mart: 15

Number of pallets transported by Wal-Mart trucks each week: 50 million

Estimated number of hot dogs sold each year in Wal-Mart snack bars: 70 million

Percentage of dry dog food sold in the United States (outside of pet stores) that is purchased in Wal-Mart stores: 35

Percentage of toothpaste that is purchased in Wal-Mart stores: 24

Total square miles of Wal-Mart's occupied retail space: 18.3

Number of years, at current growth rates, until retail space equals the land area of Manhattan: 5

Terabytes of data in Wal-Mart's data warehouse in Bentonville: 500

Terabytes in the data warehouse of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service: 40

Megawatt-hours of energy consumed last year by Wal-Mart stores: 7.8 million

Annual megawatt-hours generated by the Hoover Dam: 4 million

Annual advertising expenditures: $498 million

Metric tons of gold purchased annually for Wal-Mart by its suppliers: 18.4

Number of Olympic-size swimming pools that could be filled with baby food sold annually in Wal-Mart stores: 58

Typical starting hourly wage of a Wal-Mart associate: $6.50

Estimated value of goods Wal-Mart employees steal from Wal-Mart stores each year: $1 billion

Estimated value of goods stolen by shoplifters: $700 million

All-time one-day sales record (Nov. 23, 2001): $1.25 billion

Number of Wal-Mart-owned Learjets: 18

Number of Wal-Mart pilots: 60

Number of Wal-Mart employees in China: 4,000

Number of children recovered through Wal-Mart's Missing Children's Boards since the program began in 1996: 50

Estimated annual sales of the 850 McDonald's (MCD) that operate inside Wal-Mart stores: $1.3 billion

Number of daily customers at Wal-Mart stores worldwide: 15.7 million

Number of unique daily visitors at Walmart.com: 450,000

Items stocked by a typical Wal-Mart Supercenter: 100,000

Items stocked by Walmart.com: 600,000

Top-selling book on Walmart.com, January 2002: Journey Through Heartsongs, by Mattie J.T. Stepanek

Top-selling CD: Weathered, by Creed

Wal-Mart's projected market capitalization in 2020: $11.1 trillion

(All that and only 5000 lawsuits) :yay:


Well-Known Member
FromTexas said:
Ahh found some interesting WalMart facts... (these are as of 2002)
FT, for the Daily Double...

Who manufactures the majority of products for Wal-Mart Inc.?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
Five thousand.
Does that include class action? If so, that's not too bad. Sounds like a lot, but a decent class action against a corporation like Wal-Mart can run in the several thousand. Plaintiff gets zip - lawyers get rich.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Airgasm said:
FT, for the Daily Double...

Who manufactures the majority of products for Wal-Mart Inc.?
I'm not FT :razz: but I'd like to answer the question.

Who is China, Alex?

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Airgasm said:
Jazz Lady, for your remarkable intellegence, you have just won a case of limes :yay:
:banana: Can you deliver them now? :kiss: I'm am sorely lacking one for my drink. :lol:


New Member
FromTexas said:
Ahh found some interesting WalMart facts... (these are as of 2002)

State with the fewest: Vermont (4)

(All that and only 5000 lawsuits) :yay:


They put them all in New Hampshire :lmao: