Did you really wite this??

Go G-Men

New Member
Did you really write this??

99% of priests are not pedophiles. The media is to blame for the bad press idiot. I hear more NY Giants fans are pedophiles. Enjoy your Miller. When you are done, shove that bottle up your azz!

This was a comment posted to my karma list...

It was concerning "miller boycott". I might have said some not-so politically correct comments concerning catholic church hypocrisy.

My point being: I hope the poster (nameless) went to church and confessed so just in case he or she will still get into heaven...
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Jack Russells RULE!
I disagree. I went to Catholic School for 8 years (1st - 8th grade). I had my first "tity tweak" from the priest when I was like years old. For years I thought that was why I never had hoo-haas.


New Member
99.9% of priest ARE pedophiles

99% of priests are not pedophiles. The media is to blame for the bad press idiot. I hear more NY Giants fans are pedophiles. Enjoy your Miller. When you are done, shove that bottle up your azz!

This was a comment posted to my karma list...

It was concerning "miller boycott". I might have said some not-so politically correct comments concerning catholic church hypocrisy.

My point being: I hope the poster (nameless) went to church and confessed so just in case he or she will still get into heaven...
