Did you see the fireball? Bright meteor reported from Boston to D.C. during evening commute.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Dozens of people — and possibly many more — saw a brief, bright meteor in the sky during the Monday evening commute.

As of Tuesday morning, the American Meteor Society showed at least 38 sightings reported across seven states, from Boston to Washington, D.C., including several in eastern Pennsylvania and New Jersey, from around 5:30 p.m. the previous evening.

The reports all say it lasted a few seconds, at most. The AMS currently estimates the meteor flashed high in the atmosphere over the ocean off the eastern tip of Long Island.

It’s not yet clear if the sighting is connected to the Quadrantids meteor shower, which peaked Jan. 2 to Jan. 3 but is still active until Jan. 16. The AMS notes that the Quadrantids “usually lack persistent trains but often produce bright fireballs.”
