Diet Coke inauguration bottle


Well-Known Member
I got one of the "million points of light" flashlights! Still have it somewhere. I wonder if it's worth anything more than a little maglight? It has the White House seal on it. Maybe that increases its value. HHHHMMMM....

Oh, and coke, pepsi, and RC all rot the gut! I wonder if Thump drinks tomato juice???



Well-Known Member
I like Dr. Pepper. , but I drink all of the above at one time or another.
Nothing is better than sweet iced tea.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking more along the lines of sweetened ice tea or southern Sweet Tea that's so sweet the spoon stands up in it.
You mean that stuff they had at McDonalds for a while. I had to get half regular and the other half sweet in order to drink it.