Diferent Kind of Request.


I bowl overhand
Working on a paper and want to reference an anecdote about/from Bill Gates, and of course can't really reference if I don't have a document that quotes him or references it.

The anecdote in question?

80 - 90% of Microsoft problems are not solved in meetings or board rooms, but on the basketball courts or at the Ping Pong tables..

Of course it's not in quotes as I have NO idea what the actual quote is, but that was the gist.

Anyone familiar, anyone know where it came from, when he said it, and if it was an article/ interview?


I bowl overhand

I've found this SEVERAL times while researching topics for fun.. or just to be better informed.

Normally what I find is you get the articles and the "research" someone else wants you fed, but don't get to the unedited, or true research articles (the source material) until you are on the 4th or 5th page of search finds...

So you have to weed through 400 or more links before you get to the truth.. a lazy person would give up and believe the truth is on the first page in the first ten links or so.


way back before the 'NET' was known by everyone, there was a search engine that would feed you query to

Alta Vista
and 2 others in cannot remember,

then open each site in a window within the main web page

the site was called 411

this was back when Netscape 2.11 was new internet browser


Well-Known Member
way back before the 'NET' was known by everyone, there was a search engine that would feed you query to

Alta Vista
and 2 others in cannot remember,

then open each site in a window within the main web page

the site was called 411

this was back when Netscape 2.11 was new internet browser

LYCOS was one of them. Excite was the other one. :cheers:
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LYCOS was one of them. Excite was the other one. :cheers:

yeah I was thinking LYCOS .......... didn't it get merged with altivista at some point

also looks like it might have been four11.com
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Well-Known Member
His exact words, on Dec. 12, 2002 appearing in Seattle District Court and under oath were:

"80 - 90% of Microsoft problems are not solved in meetings or board rooms, but by switching to another operating system."

Sorry I can't provide any documentation on this as I just made it up a few minutes ago. :buddies: