Dirty Cop planting drugs on suspect : Video


High Octane
Definitely makes you wonder how many times its happened before..... hope they get what they deserve.


YouTube - Cops Plant Drugs, Beat Suspect

Unbelieveable how dumb some of these cops have become.

Wonder how many times it happened before dash board cams?

Gee anytime a cops needs to get a bust to look good for the month ..... this was one of the complaints about drug property confiscation laws .... any time a police dept. made a bust involving drugs they get to confiscate your car, truck, house, boat and Cash ..... it adds temptation that might not have otherwise been there suddenly Police Depts. start selling stuff off and bringing in more money in a never ending circle of greed and potential corruption ....

they had better hope all they face is a civil suit ....... those guys will get eaten up in Jail ..... not that these dirty cops don't deserve it .....


I think lifting up a jail just to put some dirty cop under it would be a lot of work.

yeah just shoot him in the parking lot and bury him in an unmarked grave in a road some where .... like a road repair job ........ :whistle: