Follow Up
Okay, I had the Discogram - here is the skinny in the event anyone else has to have it done...
I survived my procedure on Monday... I was started on an IV then knocked out after having my neck extended in a "just-so" position...
I had three discs/areas (above and below the cervical discs) in question, therefore three needles, with flouroscoping dye and fluid were injected into the front of my neck, next to my carotid, to recreate the pain and show the images of what is going on with the cervical discs in the back of my neck.
Apparently one of the discs/areas is fine, one is not so good and the last disc is completely done in/bad/finito...
It has been hard to swallow as the areas around where the needles were inserted have been sore (kind of like how an IV would have felt -only in the front of your neck, x 3) and the injury site of the neck is sore, as they had to "recreate" the pain to determine the level of damage.
All in all, though, if anyone ever had to have this procedure done, Annapolis Radiology seems to have their shiat together and completely had me prepared for what to expect...
Next, I follow up with my regular ortho to find out what we do with the problem disc...
So.... there you go....