Discovery Channel HD

river rat

They are currently showing the sunrise over Angkor, Camodia.
The cat is mesmerized by all the sound and insects.

One is laying on the couch watching and the other is laying in the scratching post's pathetic

And I too am actually enjoying it.


Well-Known Member
Same here, my cat is glued right along with me. Last evening she just laid on the floor watching.


river rat

Homesick said:
Because I am....well, actually now, not so much, but was when joining this forum. I was missing where I grew up, so did a search to see what was happening around Southern Maryland and this place popped up.

By the way..we share the same birthday...Happy belated birthday to you.

I see, so you are not around here, you are away.....I was going to tell you that if you were a transplant here.. that the saltwater from the Bay will eventually get in your veins. Guess you are trying to get the saltwater out :shrug:
I am a transplant from Penna. This place kinda grows on ya.
Happy belated B-Day to you too.(That's weird)


New Member
:howdy: PA transplant here too. And Discovery HD fanatic. Me and my dog seem to get hypnotized from time to time. :lol:

river rat

Ponytail said:
:howdy: PA transplant here too. And Discovery HD fanatic. Me and my dog seem to get hypnotized from time to time. :lol:

Dems keeps saying if I ever met you that we would prolly get along real well.
I'm from Bedford. I went up over the hollydaze. Real sweet.