Discovery Terminates Man vs. Wild Star Bear Grylls


Lawful neutral
Discovery Terminates Relationship With 'Man vs. Wild' Star Bear Grylls (Exclusive) - Yahoo! TV

Discovery Channel has terminated its relationship with Bear Grylls, the British television personality and star of the network’s Man vs. Wild. The severing of the relationship, which began back in 2006 when Man vs. Wild launched on Discovery, comes after the network has allegedly been unable to get Grylls to participate in two unannounced projects he was contracted for, say sources. The sixth season of Man vs. Wild wrapped in August.

“Due to a continuing contractual dispute with Bear Grylls, Discovery has terminated all current productions with him,” a network spokesperson tells The Hollywood Reporter


one day the dark will end
What a shame, I really enjoyed Bear and all his episodes. Eating grubs, however, I wont miss.
He will find a way to reinvent himself and show up on another TV channel.


Power with Control
Eating grubs? Thats your low point? The man drank his own urine and gave himself a seawater enema, fercrissakes!!!!! And climbed inside the dead stinking body of some large animal. Grubs? Thats fine with me. My problem with Grylls was his stupid antics no person in a survival situation should ever do. Maybe if your being chased by 10 angry tribesmen whose chieftain you just whacked, maybe, but slow and steady is the name of the game. And he's a reckless ass. Easy when you have a helo on standby, not a good idea when it's you and nothing else for days and miles.



curiouser and curiouser
Eating grubs? Thats your low point? The man drank his own urine and gave himself a seawater enema, fercrissakes!!!!! And climbed inside the dead stinking body of some large animal. Grubs? Thats fine with me. My problem with Grylls was his stupid antics no person in a survival situation should ever do. Maybe if your being chased by 10 angry tribesmen whose chieftain you just whacked, maybe, but slow and steady is the name of the game. And he's a reckless ass. Easy when you have a helo on standby, not a good idea when it's you and nothing else for days and miles.

Don't forget the seal vest! :lol: I think his show was all about shock value. I'm not sure that he or the producers expect anyone to actually follow his advice. :lol:


Power with Control
Which would be fine, presented as such. These are things a trained SAS commando might do, in extremis, to save his own life. do not attempt these things on your own. But it was presented as dramatic how-to.

"Normally, in a straight survival situation, I would never go pell-mell down a scree slope at speed. that could break an ankle, ensuring my death. But were a lion or Pashtun after me, I would do this........"

But no, we get "Damn, a steep rocky slope, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"