Disgusting Caps


Well-Known Member
This team really needs something, they are really stinking up the place. Cant beat anybody with a winning record, the Penquin's game on New Years Day was the last time they beat a team over 500. Power play is dead, cant even get one line to play well. Have lost 8 straight overtime games. This team if they dont watch out may just be sitting home when the regular season ends.
Hopefully Semin, when he gets back will spark this team and earn his $6.7 million contract he just signed.
I see 2 more losses on the horizon, Friday against Tampa Bay and Super Bowl Sunday against the Penquins.

OK finished venting my anger.


New Member
This team really needs something, they are really stinking up the place. Cant beat anybody with a winning record, the Penquin's game on New Years Day was the last time they beat a team over 500. Power play is dead, cant even get one line to play well. Have lost 8 straight overtime games. This team if they dont watch out may just be sitting home when the regular season ends.
Hopefully Semin, when he gets back will spark this team and earn his $6.7 million contract he just signed.
I see 2 more losses on the horizon, Friday against Tampa Bay and Super Bowl Sunday against the Penquins.

OK finished venting my anger.

It's pretty bad :dead: I thought for a second they had a new fire under their butts when they scored 2 fast goals last night but then NOTHING, NADA! And I definitely knew we were going to get the big fat L once we went to OT cause heaven forbid we win in OT. I really hate to jump on the "new coach" bandwagon but I'm honestly starting to think that's the answer :shrug: How can you have that much talent on your team and not be able to get anything out of them at all?!?!? And I seriously feel bad for the goaltenders right now. To have the save percentage that Varly has but to also have a losing record says a lot about the team that is skating in front of you.

Sweet 16

It IS getting painful to watch. They looked like they finally were picking up some rebounds instead of skating away from them but dang....another 'L' for the books! There was some lousy officiating too, like the non-calls when both Ovie and Laich got slashed, Chimera got rammed from behind and the penalty shot that wasn't, got me wondering if the refs were paid-off. Hubby noticed Backstrom was so non-existant all night they didn't mention him and then there he is in the shootout ~ WTF?!? Oh well....still 30 games left.
The "Young Guns" aren't getting it done. The only good news is that the Southeast has gotten much tougher than last year. And that will help battle test the Caps before they head into the playoffs.

If they don't make it to the Conference Finals, Uncle Ted has to can BB. The guy was voted as the softest coach in the a recent TSN players' poll. Not good.

BTW, and in all seriousness, anyone else think OV's conditioning could be a better? The guy looked the softest of just about anyone on the HBO series. Time to stay away from the clubs for a while OV!


The "Young Guns" aren't getting it done. The only good news is that the Southeast has gotten much tougher than last year. And that will help battle test the Caps before they head into the playoffs.

If they don't make it to the Conference Finals, Uncle Ted has to can BB. The guy was voted as the softest coach in the a recent TSN players' poll. Not good.

BTW, and in all seriousness, anyone else think OV's conditioning could be a better? The guy looked the softest of just about anyone on the HBO series. Time to stay away from the clubs for a while OV!

I personally think he needs to lose some of that muscle he put on. He's not as fast as he used to be. And he needs to stop trying all his tricks... they're not working anymore. The Caps are killing me this season. I've been a STH for a couple of years now and I'm thinking about not renewing next year. I can take my $$ and pay off some other bills, and sit at home and watch the Caps front and center. And I definitely feel for Varly.. he plays his ass off keeping them in the game, and they can't win for anything. Uggghhhh :cds:

Peter Forsberg

New Member
It IS getting painful to watch. They looked like they finally were picking up some rebounds instead of skating away from them but dang....another 'L' for the books! There was some lousy officiating too, like the non-calls when both Ovie and Laich got slashed, Chimera got rammed from behind and the penalty shot that wasn't, got me wondering if the refs were paid-off. Hubby noticed Backstrom was so non-existant all night they didn't mention him and then there he is in the shootout ~ WTF?!? Oh well....still 30 games left.
Don't blame officiating the Caps are not scoring. The game shouldn't be that close to blame the Refs.


Well-Known Member
Bruce must go or sit some of these underachievers.

At this point of the season the whole team is underachieving, with the exception of maybe the goalies.
Lets swap them out with the Hershey Bears.
Really beginning to think a coaching change may happen by the end of this month if things dont change.
May have to go and start trading some of the future stars we have playing in Hershey, trade like maybe 3 future stars for one proven NHL player from teams in the NHL that have no chance of reaching the playoffs.

Theres 30 games left for the Capitals, they cant keep just getting 1 point a night, like the pattern has been, they need to win at least half of their remaining games, 500 hockey, which they havent been doing,I dont believe. This year teams are going to have to get about 90 points to make the playoffs, many teams have greatly improved since last year.

Peter Forsberg

New Member
At this point of the season the whole team is underachieving, with the exception of maybe the goalies.
Lets swap them out with the Hershey Bears.
Really beginning to think a coaching change may happen by the end of this month if things dont change.
May have to go and start trading some of the future stars we have playing in Hershey, trade like maybe 3 future stars for one proven NHL player from teams in the NHL that have no chance of reaching the playoffs.

Theres 30 games left for the Capitals, they cant keep just getting 1 point a night, like the pattern has been, they need to win at least half of their remaining games, 500 hockey, which they havent been doing,I dont believe. This year teams are going to have to get about 90 points to make the playoffs, many teams have greatly improved since last year.
Tampa is going to be hard to catch they look strong right now. Last season it was nothing for the Caps to put up 5 goals or more a game. Who are the leaders in the locker room? I'm just as baffled as your guys are on this one.


New Member
Tampa is going to be hard to catch they look strong right now. Last season it was nothing for the Caps to put up 5 goals or more a game. Who are the leaders in the locker room? I'm just as baffled as your guys are on this one.

I don't think there are any leaders in the locker room...at all, period! That's part of the issue. No one is there making anyone else (or themselves) feel accountable when they lose or F-up. If they're not held accountable then there's no motivation for change. :nono: Bruce should understand this and yet it doesn't seem to grasp the simple notion...he's always saying in interviews that if the players need babysat or need him to motivate them then they are in the wrong league, etc. Wrong Bruce, it's part of your job as coach and it's part of the Captain's job and Ovie is clearly not up to the task. There might be hidden leaders in that locker room but they are probably to scared to step up to the role in fear of stepping on the toes on Bruce and/or Ovie.


New Member
I wasn't blaming the refs for the OTL, just making an observation that they seemed to miss a lot of obvious infractions.

There were tons of bad calls in that game, I agree! Not blaming them for the loss but it was probably the worst officiated game I have watched all season.


Well-Known Member
Tampa is going to be hard to catch they look strong right now. Last season it was nothing for the Caps to put up 5 goals or more a game. Who are the leaders in the locker room? I'm just as baffled as your guys are on this one.

Dont know who might be the leaders, maybe they are lacking in this aspect because they all are so young and arent as hungry as an older veteren player who's career is winding down. You might think Knuble could possibly be a leader he's been around a long time. Very few Caps are older then 30.
I read in the paper or somewhere that after the Montreal loss that George McPhee exited the locker room after that game and was fuming mad. Dont know but if I wanted job security I surely wouldnt piss off the General Manager, maybe some guys are walking a very thin line, including the coach.
Should the Caps lose Friday to Tampa Bay, I dont think they will catch up to them before the end of the year. Then Sunday on national tv they have the Penquins and they are still winning without Crosby and Malikin.


Well-Known Member
Maybe things are changing, they may have played threir best game of the year. :yahoo: I love the game plan of stalling eating up time in their end of the ice just passing back and forth, wasnt popular with the Tampa fans.

Peter Forsberg

New Member
Maybe things are changing, they may have played threir best game of the year. :yahoo: I love the game plan of stalling eating up time in their end of the ice just passing back and forth, wasnt popular with the Tampa fans.
They did look strong tonight.....They have to do that everynight.


New Member
They did look strong tonight.....They have to do that everynight.

It seems like if the Caps know it's a huge game they can get themselves worked up for it and manage to do good (ex. Winter Classic). It will be interesting to see what happens going forward for "regular" caliber games. Last night was definitely fun to watch though :yahoo:

Sweet 16

It seems like if the Caps know it's a huge game they can get themselves worked up for it and manage to do good (ex. Winter Classic). It will be interesting to see what happens going forward for "regular" caliber games. Last night was definitely fun to watch though :yahoo:

Sure hope they can get psyched up for tomorrow's game. No Sid or Geno to contend with, although the lesser Pens have been stepping up lately. Should be interesting. LET'S GO CAPS!!! :clap::clap::clap:


This. ------------------>
Sure hope they can get psyched up for tomorrow's game. No Sid or Geno to contend with, although the lesser Pens have been stepping up lately. Should be interesting. LET'S GO CAPS!!! :clap::clap::clap:


See ya there! :buddies: