Disney Pulls #MeToo Scene From Toy Story 2's Latest Release

Auntie Biache'

Well-Known Member
Remember how the older Pixar movies used to show "bloopers" and outtakes during the credits, making the animated characters seem as if they were real actors working on a movie set? It was a great gag that ran through several films, and adults who knew anything about Hollywood always got a great laugh out of them. However, one of these scenes at the end of Toy Story 2 actually took aim at the vile, manipulative behavior demonstrated by many men in the industry that the #MeToo movement has been actively fighting against.

After the new editions of the Toy Story films arrived last month, ReReleaseNews.com pointed outthat the scene in question was missing from Toy Story 2.

The scene takes place during the credits outtakes, and features Woody, Jessie, and Bullseye approaching Stinky Pete. However, when they take a peek into his box, they see him creepily chatting with two Barbies. He asks them if they are "absolutely identical" and says that he's sure he can get them a part in Toy Story 3. After grabbing one of the dolls by the hand, Pete realizes he's being watched on camera and gets instantly embarrassed, asking the girls to leave and telling them they can come back any time for some acting tips.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't think children and adults should be targeted audiences in the same film. It's either for kids, or it's for adults. You can't have it both ways.

Disney has been doing it for years, though. Shrek is filled with adult humor and innuendo that is not appropriate for children. The sickos in the animation department routinely insert X-rated blips in movies aimed at children.