Disproportionate Representation


Chairman of the Board
Oh he's an idiot. We have an *all* VOLUNTEER armed forces, and to my knowledge, they don't discriminate with regards to who gets IN. So THIS is *unfair*?

He wants to draft in such a way to create racial balance - fine - we should do the same with all sports franchises. Silly, isn't it?

I believe in racial equality when there is the slightest evidence of racial bias. But you can't apply that when it refers to choices people make, themselves.


Enjoying life!
He tried to strecth the truth by saying that there are more minorities in war fighting positions than what is represented in society as a whole. It was great, though, because Bret Hume had the military census figures right there to refute his position.

I'm just amazed by the nerve the guy has to even use the "race" card in an issue like war with Iraq, especially in an all volunteer military.

Who elects these people?