Divorce, Custody, and Pepsi


Well-Known Member
A man and his wife were getting a divorce at a local court, but the
custody of their children posed a problem. The mother jumped to her feet
and protested to the judge that since she had brought the children into
this world, she should retain custody of them.

The man also wanted custody of his children, so the judge asked for his
side of the story. After a long moment of silence, the man rose from his
chair and replied: "Judge, when I put a dollar into a vending machine
and a Pepsi comes out, does the Pepsi belong to me or to the machine?"

Don't laugh. He won.


New Member
sockgirl77 said:
A man and his wife were getting a divorce at a local court, but the
custody of their children posed a problem. The mother jumped to her feet
and protested to the judge that since she had brought the children into
this world, she should retain custody of them.

The man also wanted custody of his children, so the judge asked for his
side of the story. After a long moment of silence, the man rose from his
chair and replied: "Judge, when I put a dollar into a vending machine
and a Pepsi comes out, does the Pepsi belong to me or to the machine?"

Don't laugh. He won.

Darn that would of saved me from proving the x was an unfit mother and lots of dollars


I'm Rick James #####!
I once put a dollar in a vending machine and got a completely different soda than I selected.

So I kicked the machine and put a dollar in the machine next to it.