Dixie Chicks go big!

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
It's the wonderful world of publicity. they are no longer catering to the country music crowd so they can take back thier apology, and sell big. It's the same reason that Dan Brown jumped on the debate bandwagon, it made the movie sell big.


Well-Known Member
They were talking about this, this morning on WMAL. Fred Grandy was pretty much, like 'em or hate 'em, they're still good musicians and they play good stuff.

Andy Parks had another interesting observation.

How come the lead singles are peaking in the high 30's and 40's - how do you *DEBUT* at number one without a single hit on it? Isn't that a little - how do I say this - *weird*? What's driving the sales? Do people just go buy the latest album the week it comes out, but otherwise they're not listening to the songs on the radio?

I mean, personally - I think it's a couple things. I think some fans just want the latest album. I used to be that way, in the 70's, when I was a die-hard fan of some groups. I remember buying Zeppelin's or Aerosmith's or Boston's or Kansas's latest album the day they came out - but in EVERY CASE - I'd already heard one of their songs, and they were in the top ten before the album hit the stands.

So some of it may be die-hard fans.

But --- #1? I mean, you and I know that country music lovers have gone a little sour on them for the last couple years. And the venom they unleashed on country fans isn't going to be forgotten quickly.

I think it's politics, also.

Andy mentioned he knows a guy - very liberal - who went out and bought EVERY Dixie Chick album available at the stand - to prove a point.

It's sad when you can't make a salient point on the grounds of argument and logic and pragmatism.

If I'm right - sales will drop very fast in the next couple weeks.

Let's see what happens.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
With all the publicity they've been granted because of their anti-Bush anti-country rants, I have no problem believing that their album debuted at #1. Books on these topics typically do well, even if they honestly suck, just because the media has told everyone how fabulous it is and that they should rush to buy it.


I hate their freakin' yodeling. Plus, the lead singer has a unusually large head or face or something. JMO


Well-Known Member
vraiblonde said:
With all the publicity they've been granted because of their anti-Bush anti-country rants, I have no problem believing that their album debuted at #1. Books on these topics typically do well, even if they honestly suck, just because the media has told everyone how fabulous it is and that they should rush to buy it.

This also happens because people have books and albums on order from places like Amazon - so they ship the day they're released. The sales numbers reflect the week they're released, NOT the six months they've been ordered in advance. If sales PLUMMET next week, we'll know it was that kind of debut.

I just think it's weird, is all. I was just reading on Wikipedia about the Chicks saying at one of their concerts right after their remarks - something like "anyone who wants to boo can do so right now". And the crowd cheered.

And I *laughed*. At my desk. Like, who is going to PAY to go see the Chicks just so they can be an azz and *boo* them? Like any conservative I know is going to give a crap - or be THAT boorish. Conservatives are a diverse bunch but I don't typically see the kind of boorish crass behavior like showing up and protesting at military funerals or carrying signs outside of Walter Reed mocking the seriously injured vets that they'e dying for nothing. I laughed because in my world, if you want to show disdain, you do it with your feet by walking away, and with your wallet by closing it up. You don't need to boo - that's juvenile. That's the response of the desperate.


Well-Known Member
camily said:
I hate their freakin' yodeling. Plus, the lead singer has a unusually large head or face or something. JMO

Oh I'm mildly saddened by the fact that I *did* like their music - but I find their remarks as offensive as if they'd said something blatantly racial or homophobic. So I sadly turn them off. My gut just won't let me listen.

What HAS always - irritated me? - about them is that they dumped their original lead singer and brought on Natalie - who, admittedly had the connections, skill and ability to make them *famous* - but who also grew up without any real love of country music or much connection to it. The whole incident really exposed this, too, with her subsequent disdain for country fans. In a nutshell, kind of "I *always* thought you were dumb rednecks, and now I believe it. As far as country music is concerned, I only did it for the money - I could give a rat's azz about it". And taking "back" an apology strikes me as further evidence - when someone takes back an apology, future demonstrations of sincerity lose all credibility for good. I don't like anyone who would rescind an apology. It just means they were lying the first time.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
camily said:
I hate their freakin' yodeling. Plus, the lead singer has a unusually large head or face or something. JMO


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