DIY Sandblasting...where to buy media?


Anyone know where I can get sandblasting media for doing some sandblasting at home? I have all the equipment, just don't know where to go around here. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I use play sand from Lowes. Masonry sand should work but my gun (cheap) has a little trouble with it. Be sure to do your work so that the sand can be re-used. It goes fast.


Active Member
When my grandma cut my uncle's hair in his sleep, he used the sand from the next door neighbor's sandbox to blast my grandma's car to smithereens. It worked great and he blasted it down to the metal.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by RodRugg
When my grandma cut my uncle's hair in his sleep, he used the sand from the next door neighbor's sandbox to blast my grandma's car to smithereens. It worked great and he blasted it down to the metal.
Cat poop and all? Bet that made some good doo-doo dents too.


I've heard you can use regular play sand from any place, but that it is very dangerous to breathe and a very good respirator is required as it contains silica dust. I was hoping to find some of the other types of media, like aluminum oxide, plastics, or walnut shells...
