dn0121 READ THIS Scam Alert


New Member
This ticks me off. I knew I was naive but this is awful.

If you are going to rent a house, how do you check the status of that person's mortgage?

I just heard that this biatch in the Ranch Club was going thru foreclosure, put her house up for rent. The persons involved paid 1st and 2nd months rent along with a security deposit. They just found out they are being kicked out due to foreclosure and imagine this, landlord nowhere to be found.

So dn0121 there are alot of foreclosures going on in this area so be careful.


New Member
rack'm said:
I know a guy that lost $10,000 in Pa to something like this.
I may be wrong but I would think that goes beyond a civil matter. The States Attorney should make this a criminal case.


Wow Something to watch for. Hopefully the morgage company might be able to track the landlord down.


New Member
Thanks, that is good to know. I plan on just renting a room or something not a whole house. This makes me think it would be better to just stay at a hotel for a month even though that would cost a lot more! I will have to figure out some questions to ask and get references from them too.