DNC and Kerry finish embracing the most extreme of the left


This Space for Rent

Steve Schmidt, a spokesman for Mr. Bush, said: "It's the mainstreaming of Michael Moore. What's unusual is that conspiracies would be adopted as mainstream messages by John Kerry, who's running for president of the United States."

Nail al-Jubeir, a spokesman for the Saudi embassy in Washington, said yesterday that the assertion in the ads was unfair and inaccurate. "Saudi bashing is not an energy policy," he said, denying the nation has won any "special favors." "Unfortunately, it's a cheap shot."

Mr. Jubeir had harsher words for the Media Fund advertisements, one of which calls the Saudi royal family "close Bush family friends" who are "corrupt." It goes on to note "even though 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis, top Bush adviser James Baker's law firm is defending Saudi Arabia against the victims' families." The spot includes images of President Bush holding hands with Crown Prince Abdullah and mug shots of the Sept. 11 hijackers superimposed above a shot of rubble from the attacks.

It is going to be a long time before I can vote a democrat with good conscience when they support this kind of crap.

They whine about the swifties... guys who come forward in person with their own opinions on events they were part of. Then they make attack ads like these where the take in the perspective of left wing nut jobs like Michael Moore and make him Democrat doctrine.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Like I have said. Once upon a time, I was a registered Democrat. The Democrats left me; I didn't leave them. I cannot, in good conscience, support an organization that is for killing unborn babies, against voluntary prayer in school or other public places, and against the right to keep and bear arms, and for higher taxes in order to give money to illegal aliens.