Do any of you believe this guy's claim?


Asperger's Poster Child,20281,18083090-5001027,00.html

COPENHAGEN: The Muslim cleric blamed for instigating protests over cartoons depicting the prophet Mohammed has said he never intended for rioters to attack Danish embassies in the Middle East...

"The people rioting are not rioting in my name. They've never heard of me. They are furious because of the insult to Mohammed"...

Mr Abu-Laban said he had helped organise visits to Egypt and Lebanon, where he and other Muslims from Denmark displayed the cartoons. He said the visits were aimed at garnering political support, not inciting riots.

But he was unrepentant and blamed the West's view of Islam as the primary cause of the violence.

"This protest is not about the cartoons, offensive as they are," he said. "The cartoons are merely the final drop that caused the cup to overflow. The Muslim faith has been under attack for years. There has been intense psychological pressure on Muslims...We have heard Western politicians relate our faith to terrorism, over and over again, and it is too much. This was the response."
He and the other instigators do all they can to stoke believers' anger and resentment, and then plead innocence when the anger escalates into violence. "Oh, we just wanted attention..." What crap.

I can understand why Muslims would be upset by the cartoons, just as I can understand why Christians were upset by Andres Serrano. Still, nothing justifies using brutality and murder to stop people from exercising their right to speak their minds. I read today that the cartoonists are in hiding like Salman Rushdie. I imagine they're probably grateful that they haven't ended up like Theo van Gogh.

In my view, believers in all religions should be mature and responsible enough, and secure enough in their own faiths, to say their piece about such insults and go on with life. And that's what believers do in America, no matter what deity ior deities we worship. No believer can control what other people think and say about his or her faith. That's part of life.


Where are my pants?
So, this guy is upset that his faith is linked to threats, violence, and terrorist activity---and they respond with.....threats, violence and terrorist activity........

His clue meter is reading zero, isn't it?