Do nipples


yeah yeah
Depends on if you mean sections of them, or just the entire nipple in general. There is a reason I ask. Because at times, there are parts that can actually get an infection and cause discoloration- also there are more severe things that it could be pointing to- but I am not going to go into that. But it is possible for your skin to lose pigmentation over time in certain areas. Is there any pain or imploding in any areas? Or do they look strange. When you look in the mirror at yourself- do they or one look different than the other? If they do, I would just sked a check up with the dr- just to ease your mind a little.

The reason I ask about the differences or you noticing anything, is because, There are some types of breast cancer- that have no lumps or where you cant feel them, and you can see impolding, or swollen areas, or discoloration- depending on if it is ductal or another type. Also- if you feel any "thickening" that is another sign of possible infection in a duct, or even a ingrown hair or again, something more severe. Again- I am not trying to scare you- I am just asking. So seriously, if you feel a little uneasy- just sked an appt- and put your mind at ease.


yeah yeah
From the self breast exam site I found: here is the linkage SBE

In front of a mirror

Step one is to look for surface changes. Standing undressed from the waist up, visually inspect the breasts for changes in appearance, size, position or shape. You should also examine the border underneath the breasts and check the nipple for discharge. Suspicious changes may include skin puckering, dimpling, discoloration and soreness.

Repeat visual inspections - from both forward-facing and side angles - with your hands at your side, on your hips and behind your head.

In the shower
Step two involves feeling for unusual masses under the skin. Using soap and the flat part of your fingers to create a smooth surface, feel for lumps and thick tissue masses in your underarm and collarbone areas. Start at the bra line and continue moving up until you reach the collarbone.

Lying down
In this final step, lie down and place a small pillow under your shoulder, with the corresponding hand behind your head. Thinking of the breast as a clock, place your fingers flat against the upper portion of the breast and continue around the "clock face" until you've made a full rotation. After the first rotation, move one inch toward the nipple and repeat the process until you've examined the whole breast.

Lastly, place your flat fingers on top of the nipple and feel beneath it for any changes.


New Member
watercolor said:
From the self breast exam site I found: here is the linkage SBE

In front of a mirror

Step one is to look for surface changes. Standing undressed from the waist up, visually inspect the breasts for changes in appearance, size, position or shape. You should also examine the border underneath the breasts and check the nipple for discharge. Suspicious changes may include skin puckering, dimpling, discoloration and soreness.

Repeat visual inspections - from both forward-facing and side angles - with your hands at your side, on your hips and behind your head.

In the shower
Step two involves feeling for unusual masses under the skin. Using soap and the flat part of your fingers to create a smooth surface, feel for lumps and thick tissue masses in your underarm and collarbone areas. Start at the bra line and continue moving up until you reach the collarbone.

Lying down
In this final step, lie down and place a small pillow under your shoulder, with the corresponding hand behind your head. Thinking of the breast as a clock, place your fingers flat against the upper portion of the breast and continue around the "clock face" until you've made a full rotation. After the first rotation, move one inch toward the nipple and repeat the process until you've examined the whole breast.

Lastly, place your flat fingers on top of the nipple and feel beneath it for any changes.

I go for a yearly exam with my dr. next week :yay:


In My Opinion
Geek said:
I go for a yearly exam with my dr. next week :yay:
a year isnt an exam, its a marriage.

longest exam I ever had by a doctor was like 20 minutes, then it ended when I threatend to kill him, Dr Big fingers really needs to warn you prior to the probe of joy.


New Member
bcp said:
a year isnt an exam, its a marriage.

longest exam I ever had by a doctor was like 20 minutes, then it ended when I threatend to kill him, Dr Big fingers really needs to warn you prior to the probe of joy.

If you keep posting in the Ladies Room we are going to have to give you a vagi-plasti :poorbaby:


In My Opinion
Geek said:
If you keep posting in the Ladies Room we are going to have to give you a vagi-plasti :poorbaby:
Cool, Ive never won a door prize before.
You think I can get a butt bleaching with that too?
K_Jo said:
Help! My nipple impolded! :jameo: