Do not read


In My Opinion
OMG, I read it. Am I going to jail now?
I suggest putting hot sauce on your butt. everyone in prison will think you have a rash and leave you alone. those that choose to ignore that will spend the next week in medical being treated for the burns.

good luck and God be with you.


Would THIS face lie?
OMG, I read it. Am I going to jail now?

Dammit man, can't you read? It said and I quote "Do Not Read"... I don't know how much clearer he had to make it....I read it too but YOU should know better.....I'm just a child....
I suggest putting hot sauce on your butt. everyone in prison will think you have a rash and leave you alone. those that choose to ignore that will spend the next week in medical being treated for the burns.

good luck and God be with you.

So, I should probably gargle with hot sauce too, right?


In My Opinion
So, I should probably gargle with hot sauce too, right?
It might be painful at first, but the benefits of burning blisters on your lips will pay off in ways you could never in your life imagine.