Do you allow your child to receive a Flu shot?


New Member
Parents, do you allow your child to receive a flu shot each year? I'm skeptical this year to allow my son to receive a flu shot. He received his first shot at the age of 4. It seemed like once he got the shot, he was sick the entire Winter. Has anyone experienced this as well? I know I should protect him as much as I can from sickness but it seems to me the flu shot this past year made him more sick. It was a roller coaster ride, he ended up in the doctor's office every other week with colds, high fevers, and even the stomach flu which they state the shot will not help with the stomach flu. I want to know your opinions. I'm still undecided and skeptical. The doctor states it could have been worse if he had not received the shot but I think the shot allowed him to catch everything that was out there.


You're a LOON :)
Parents, do you allow your child to receive a flu shot each year? I'm skeptical this year to allow my son to receive a flu shot. He received his first shot at the age of 4. It seemed like once he got the shot, he was sick the entire Winter. Has anyone experienced this as well? I know I should protect him as much as I can from sickness but it seems to me the flu shot this past year made him more sick. It was a roller coaster ride, he ended up in the doctor's office every other week with colds, high fevers, and even the stomach flu which they state the shot will not help with the stomach flu. I want to know your opinions. I'm still undecided and skeptical. The doctor states it could have been worse if he had not received the shot but I think the shot allowed him to catch everything that was out there.

My kids have gotten it the past two years and have done fine. I got it the year before last year and ended up sick right after and constantly after that. It seems to react different with different people.


New Member
My kids are 4 and almost 3 year old twins and none of them have had flu shots. No real reason behind not getting them, we were going to last Fall but the ped. office only had 2 shots left and I was not going to do it for just two of the kids so I opted out...

They've been fine, they have never been sick really, a little cold here or there, but my kids are generally very healthy.


curiouser and curiouser
We don't do flu shots, my son seems to have inherited my strong immune system (we're very rarely sick), and I'm not convinced that they make much of a difference.


New Member
My pediatrician always told me that my kids did not need a flu shot, and they have never had one. He said that flu shots were only necessary for children who have weakened immune systems or who asthma and are prone to bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.


New Member
We get them...

My daughter has asthma and has had pneumonia twice, so we are all on the hook to get the flu shot every year. We've not had a problem with any of the shots yet.


The mighty Al-Sonsie!
Mine got flu shots last year. They stopped getting sick monthly after I quit working and my son was out of that disease factory called daycare.

Callie girl

New Member
My kids have gotten them every year and have never had a problem with them and will get them this year also. However we did start getting them because it was recommended with my oldest having asthma.


I've never got one and neither has my son, but everyone we know who's gotten them ends up with the flu. Last year his daycare provider ended up with the flu from their flu shots, passed it on to my son, who in turn passed it on to me right after I had my gall bladder removed.

Puking with stitches in your stomach = not fun


Infinite Impetus
Parents, do you allow your child to receive a flu shot each year? I'm skeptical this year to allow my son to receive a flu shot. He received his first shot at the age of 4. It seemed like once he got the shot, he was sick the entire Winter. Has anyone experienced this as well? I know I should protect him as much as I can from sickness but it seems to me the flu shot this past year made him more sick. It was a rollercoaster ride, he ended up in the doctor's office every other week with colds, high fevers, and even the stomach flu which they state the shot will not help with the stomach flu. I want to know your opinions. I'm still undecided and skeptical. The doctor states it could have been worse if he had not received the shot but I think the shot allowed him to catch everything that was out there.

The thing about the flu shot is that it doesn't protect against ALL strains and types of the flu since ther are so many out there and they're constantly changing... If you have a normally healthy child with no immunity issues, I would go either way. I think it is most important for the very young and the very old.
Not to mention getting needles is no fun.


Salt Life
My daughter (10) has never been given a flu shot and neither have I. I cannot tell you the last time she was sick. It has been years!!
I took my son in for his 9 month check up and my peditrician told me to make an appt for him to get a flu shot.
I've gotten one every year for about 4 years and the only time I've ever gotten the flu was earlier this year after I had my son and my immune system was down.


Bookseller Lady
The thing about the flu shot is that it doesn't protect against ALL strains and types of the flu since ther are so many out there and they're constantly changing... If you have a normally healthy child with no immunity issues, I would go either way. I think it is most important for the very young and the very old.
Not to mention getting needles is no fun.


If anyone in your household has a compromised immune system or any chronic health issues it's a good idea to get one. I have asthma so I get one, but my daughter doesn't right now. She caught everything the first year or two she was in daycare, but has rarely gotten sick since (she's 10 now).


New Member
I've never got one and neither has my son, but everyone we know who's gotten them ends up with the flu. Last year his daycare provider ended up with the flu from their flu shots, passed it on to my son, who in turn passed it on to me right after I had my gall bladder removed.

Puking with stitches in your stomach = not fun

I've always heard people talking about getting the "sotmach flu" after their flu shots. But...the stomach flu is not ACUTALLY a flu:

This is the definition of the flu (Influenza), which is what the flu shot helps prevent, but it says it is not 100% effective.



Happy Camper!
T was always considered at risk and got the shot for 4 years. He wasn't constantly sick but we were still at the doctor's at least once a month. For the last couple of years I've quit getting them for him, he seems to be outgrowing most of his illnesses so we make less trips to the doctor and I never think to make the appointment for him to get the flu shot until it's usually December so I figure what's the use. Long story short, I don't think it worked at all for him b/c I think he is "weller" through-out cold season with out it but like I said he's doing better year round now days so I don't see where it really worked for him at all.


Active Member
People, you cannot get the flu from the flu shot. you might get the flu despite the shot and you might get every other sickness known to man, but the shot does not cause one to come down with the flu in and of itself.

Back to the op's question. Yes, the family gets them every year.


Back in the saddle
Last year was the first year my son got the flu shot. He gets every sickness known to man. The year prior he had the flu 3 times. Last year when he got the shot he made it to Feb before coming down with fever and just not feeling well. In Apr he had the actual running to the bathroom from both ends flu. He will be getting the shot again this year. The shot does not cover every strain of the flu.

As for myself, knock on wood, I haven't had the flu in a very long time. I'm hoping this year I will walk through the winter without it


My kids have had Flu shots every year that they were able to. They have hardly been sick and have missed maybe five days of school in the last five years.
They will be getting a shot this year.
After thinking about bathrooms and kiddie hygiene in school (for one minute) I rushed them to the doc for a shot.
A story that a school nurse told me also made my mind up for me. She basically said that it was sad that so many parents sent their kids to school sick and then back before they were full recovered because they just couldn't stay home because of their jobs. So you had theses sick kids in school who only went home when they became really ill. Then they came back
still sick.
Flu shot every time. You never know it might help.
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