Do you rightie kooks still think...

Do you think Shrillary will steal the nomination?

  • I'm not an RU :dork: but I say yes.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


In My Opinion
I hate obama,
I think hillary would be no competition for McCain.
I would be seriously pissed if hillary got the nomination at the convention.

even though it would almost guaranty that McCain would win.

makes no sense does it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm just trying to figure out the Convention-week thinking at the RU here at SOMD.

Then why don't you read some of the threads instead of making insulting and moronic polls?

Better yet, why don't you pass puberty and get back to us when your brain has fused?


New Member
Then why don't you read some of the threads instead of making insulting and moronic polls?

Better yet, why don't you pass puberty and get back to us when your brain has fused?

The threads on here, lately, have become so moronic.

Obama's a muslim. :jameo: Obama wasn't born in the US :jameo: and his middle name is Hussein. :jameo:

EVERYONE is a liberal and are out to get us RU righties. :jameo:

Even you've got to admit the righties have turned this place to ####.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Not to mention that Nonno and NHBoy post all sorts of leftwing craziness that they lift from blogs, and I notice you have nothing to say about that.


Common sense ain't common
The threads on here, lately, have become so moronic.

Obama's a muslim. :jameo: Obama wasn't born in the US :jameo: and his middle name is Hussein. :jameo:

EVERYONE is a liberal and are out to get us RU righties. :jameo:

Even you've got to admit the righties have turned this place to ####.

I don't really give a damn about Obama's name, religion, or birthplace.
In my eyes, he does not have the experience to be President.
I'm not completely convinced on McCain, but the idea of Obama as President flat out scares me and it's not for any reason you've listed.
I've listened to him and his views do not mirror my own. Simple as that.

It's funny that you don't note some of the moronic threads that lefties like Nhboy and Nonno (I'm not wholly convinced they're not one and the same) and Forestal post. Even Kerad has posted quite a few stinkers as of late.
Wonder why I haven't posted on here in quite some time?
The lefties on here are a major reason for my self-imposed exile.
You have slipped into an immature crying little pissant. If we've really turned this place to s**t, then don't let the door hit you on the way out of here.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Also, Andy, there are plenty of Dems on here that most of us enjoy discussing politics with. Awpitt is one of them, and there are several others. You, on the other hand, never have anything of interest to say.

You, Nonno, Forestal, NHBoy, Kerad, etc, merely regurgitate whatever insanity you've read on Kos or Huffington, or that you've heard Keith Olbermann spew. Then you can't even discuss it when someone challenges you because you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

So you simply resort to insults and name-calling, which is not my idea of intelligent political discourse. This thread, for example, is classic you.


In My Opinion
The threads on here, lately, have become so moronic.

Obama's a muslim. :jameo: Obama wasn't born in the US :jameo: and his middle name is Hussein. :jameo:

EVERYONE is a liberal and are out to get us RU righties. :jameo:

Even you've got to admit the righties have turned this place to ####.
Obama is a muslim.
and, he was born outside of the country, and he did have residence in another country and his middle name is hussein
and he doesnt have any experience
and his wife is a whitey hater.

so whats your problem? should the facts be ignored to make you happy?



1. Open a new file in your computer.

2. Name it 'Barack Obama'.

3. Send it to the Recycle Bin.

4. Empty the Recycle Bin.

5. Your PC will ask you: 'Do you really want to get rid
of 'Barack Obama?'

6. Firmly Click 'Yes.'

7. Feel better?

GOOD! - Tomorrow we'll do Nancy Pelosi!


New Member
Obama is a muslim.
and, he was born outside of the country, and he did have residence in another country and his middle name is hussein
and he doesnt have any experience
and his wife is a whitey hater.

so whats your problem? should the facts be ignored to make you happy?

keep drinking the koolaid.....

red are untruths, green is unknown


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
keep drinking the koolaid.....

red are untruths, green is unknown

Actually, he doesn't have any experience. He's had a short legislative career, so you have to wonder what makes anyone think he's ready to be President. That's why Governor's typically make the jump to President - they have executive level experience.


New Member
Actually, he doesn't have any experience. He's had a short legislative career, so you have to wonder what makes anyone think he's ready to be President. That's why Governor's typically make the jump to President - they have executive level experience.

ok, the truth about his experience is arguable......

i'm not going to vote for him, but i'm not going to run around calling him a muslim, illegal alien, whitie hater, etc. deal with the issues, not the lies.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
i'm not going to vote for him, but i'm not going to run around calling him a muslim, illegal alien, whitie hater, etc. deal with the issues, not the lies.

I'm not interested in the lies (he's a Muslim, wasn't born in the US, etc) but I am very interested in his personal ties. The issues - who gives a crap? They talk talk all day long and they're never going to do what they said they would anyway.


New Member
I'm not interested in the lies (he's a Muslim, wasn't born in the US, etc) but I am very interested in his personal ties. The issues - who gives a crap? They talk talk all day long and they're never going to do what they said they would anyway.

you do have a good point there.....