Do you think Democrat voters are having a come to Jesus?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Hell, I gave the GOP a Dear John over freaking John McCain. I remember rah-rahing for him on some level, but it was mostly I liked Sarah Palin. But it felt so dirty to vote for him it was like voting for a murderer because at least he's not a child rapist.

Do you think sane Democrats, if there are any left, are having those same feelings about the Dem Party? Or are they too sucked into the cult?

They're bitching that their party has gone off the rails....but as I explained when it was me who walked away, McCain was not the RINO - he was the presidential nominee and THE Republican. *I* was the RINO because I voted for that POS even though he was everything I hated about politicians.

So Democrats? If you're one of those who is embarrassed by Biden and that dolt Harris, if you cringe at Maxine and Ayanna and AOC and Chuck and the rest of those dolts....YOU are the DINO, not them. They are THE Democrats. You're just a cult member and will be judged by your heroes.

I'm just curious if we'll start seeing a walk away, or if this is just them and what they are, and they'll never ever renounce their dear leaders. It's disturbing to think there might be that many evil violent mental cases in this country.


Well-Known Member
Hitting the wine or bourbon hard tonight

You’ve been obsessed with politics for at least over 30 years, your obsession showed up in old bill clinton rants here a few weeks ago.

The hard truth is no one cares what you think, move on.