Doctor Who fans complain about Peter Capaldi's accent


Lawful neutral

Doctor Who fans in the US are using subtitles to watch the show after complaining that Peter Capaldi’s accent is too difficult to understand.

The Glaswegian actor’s use of his own accent was a big thing after previous Time Lord David Tennant chose to mask his Scottish twang when he was Doctor Who.

Showrunner Steven Moffat noted at the time the accent announcement was made: “Let’s face it: Scottish accents are sexier.”

But many fans don’t agree with many using subtitles to follow the plot of the show, which returned to television screens last month.


aka Mrs. Giant
I have a hard time understanding him. I don't think it's as much the accent as it is how fast he talks though.

He does talk fast, kind of spews it all out in one big torrent of sound. But I enjoy him as the latest Dr. Who, even though I was against him when his name was first announced.