Doctor Who


New Member
Does anyone else watch the series, Doctor Who? It returns to BBC America on April 17th @ 9/8c and I'm really excited to see how Matt Smith does as the new Doctor. Fingers crossed he will do a great job. Anyone else plan on watching?


Doctor Who???? :lol:

Yeah, got hooked on it on the SciFi channel. They've already gone through 2 doctors. Who's the new one?


USMC 1983-1995
Total fan since the 60's. Dad was stationed in the UK and I started watching it then. I got Mr. A hooked on it in the 80's. We went to the UK to visit family and bought a remote control Dalek and a Tardus while we were there. I love new Doctors, I can't say I've ever been disappointed.


New Member
Good to hear there is some other fans on the board! Can't wait for Saturday night, and to see the new Doctor, Matt Smith in action. Also, just found out that on Saturday an hour before the premiere, at 8/7c, they will be doing a special called "Doctor Who: The Ultimate Guide." It's an all-access look inside the series, and an introduction to the new cast. I'll definitely be checking that out!

Homer J

Power Chord
I hadn't seen it for years. I think the last time I saw it was with Dr. number 4.

Watched the marathon that was on over the weekend and got totally hooked.

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New Member
So who watched it this past Saturday? It was a great start to the new season and I was beyond impressed with Matt Smith as the Doctor. He appears to have all of the charm and wit that we've come to expect from the character. I'm really looking forward to all the new episodes, as well as seeing him grow in the role.


New Member
I just watched "The Hungry Earth" on DVR this morning. I like the mix of camp and dark that the show goes for. Hopefully, they will wrap up the story line with the crack in time and the woman from the future who they hinted had "killed a very important man." But then again, the Dr. seemed taken aback by the fact that the "time/history could be re-written."



Lawful neutral
Asylum of the Daleks

Anyone else catch the last episode, Asylum of the Daleks? What did you think?