Doctors are nicer to thin patients


Well-Known Member
My sister is a doctor who just happened to attent Hopkins Medical School. She has no sympathy for folks who don't take care of themselves (fat, smoke, etc).


New Member
Ok, so, there's a lot that can be discussed here.

First of all, it's only one study of 39 doctors at only one hospital. Hardly a standard.

Secondly, I would definitly like to see the personal appearance of all these doctors. One person's fat may be another person's smoking habit, drinking habit, poor diet, stressful workload.

I would also like to see how much training each Physician has specifically in nutrition and weight loss.

How are they offering help to the patient if their initial demeanor has already severed that relationship? The are there to help, not impose punishment, which, is essentially what they are doing.

I'm not saying we should baby anyone but an insensitive doctor fails to meet the geniune needs of the patient, is ethically irresponsible, and borders on paternalism.


wandering aimlessly
Two true stories:

Story 1: Two weeks after giving birth to my second and my back was in agony. I'm still carrying 15 extra pounds. First time seeing this doc, but not my first time at the practice. Tiny little lady doc comes in, listens to my back complaint, kind of looks at my back and then says "You just need more exercise, this extra weight is making your back hurt." I told her I'd love to exercise if I could just move. She starts a lifestyle lecture. I cut her off with "I just gave birth 2 weeks ago" (this was written plainly in the chart). She looks startled (which proves that the hour long process of filling out paperwork on health history is obviously just to cover their butts and that they don't review it at all). She stammers apologies, I demand to see the main practitioner who orders the xray and discovers two vertabrae are cracked. I don't think she was with the practice long after that.

Second: My daughter is at pediatrician's and we see the new scrawny doc for yearly exam. She wanted daughter to lose 30 lbs. Daughter was well within limits but as a dancer had a lot of muscle. Doctor the charts were geared for spoiled Americans and daughter should be at the lowest weight end due to her bone structure. Demanded a body composition test which she didn't want to do, but did, and showed daughter had very little body fat.

Doctors all think they are God.


New Member
I respect doctors and what they do. I try to encourage my husband to utilize his medical resources whenever he needs to because we've both been poor and really should appreciate that these services are available to us now but every time he's reached out, he's been disappointed. I don't know if it's just this area or what but it's ruining my credibility and making me angry. This community has the resources and should offer better care. I don't know if we just don't use it enough to really seek out the good doctors or what but we've not had a positive medical experience here. Other places, yes. Here, no.