Doctors on Site


I'm 2 old 2 die young!
Anybody ever use these optometrists? I got a coupon yesterday for there but don't know anybody that's ever used them. Got any good recommendations for an eye Dr in St. Marys?

Old Dog

I used them last October. I felt that I recieved a very thorough eye exam (complete w/ "There seems to be a loss of pigment on the side (when looking into my eyeball). It doesn't affect your vision, however we'll want to keep a check on that on future visits.")

I will return to the same eye doc there in a year for my yearly check. Although he saw that problem with my eye, he didn't push that I should see him more often than once a year. Also, he did a much better job of explaining the "floater" I've had in my one eye since undergoing chemo (though it may be unrelated to the chemo) - I asked my previous eye guy and didn't really feel my question was answered.

I went to Doctors on Site because my glasses broke and my regular eye guy wasn't able to get me in for a while.

My one complaint is with the glasses that I got there. The arm broke within a month. They said - cheerfully - that they would replace the frames for free. (I was pleased to see the willingness.) However, they didn't actually replace the frames - they just replaced the arm. I expect to end up with the same problem again eventually (and am taking lots of extra care to not stress the arm now).

I've been in glasses for 30 years. They were one of the friendliest I've dealt with. As for the glasses, I won't get the same manufacturer again (although since there is no name on the frames I'm not sure how I'll manage that).

They weren't pushy at all. Even when the eye doc suggested I get a second pair of glasses with "office lens". (Which I'll eventually do because I'm in trifocals now and it's too hard to work on the computer all day with my regular glasses.)

Hope that helps.


New Member
My mother in-law went there and had a BAD and I mean BAD visit. Doesn't mean you will at all, but she went three years ago and said she would never go back. They lost her scrip for new contacts. Go contacts after getting her re-tested, lost the new contacts, got glass ordered, wrong frame. Ordered the other frame again and they came in and she had them not even a week and they broke and they told her that they would replace the frames this time and to be carfull. Got the new frames and sure enough then replace the arms and not the whole frame. From what I heard (this is all second hand) they are cheap and they use cheap materils. Again this is all secone hand.


Set Trippin
SD1492 said:
My mother in-law went there and had a BAD and I mean BAD visit. Doesn't mean you will at all, but she went three years ago and said she would never go back. They lost her scrip for new contacts. Go contacts after getting her re-tested, lost the new contacts, got glass ordered, wrong frame. Ordered the other frame again and they came in and she had them not even a week and they broke and they told her that they would replace the frames this time and to be carfull. Got the new frames and sure enough then replace the arms and not the whole frame. From what I heard (this is all second hand) they are cheap and they use cheap materils. Again this is all secone hand.
I went there 3 weeks ago, and I had a totally great experience... The staff were friendly and the doctor was great. I walked out in an hour with my new specs...:yay:


Well-Known Member
I went there a few years ago. frames had a broken arm when I went to pick them up. they told me they would replace the frames, which they did, but not with the same frames, they were a different color. I know it's not a big deal but it bugged me.


aka Mrs. Giant
I go there annually for my eye exam. I love the doctor and would recommend him to anyone. I've never gotten glasses there, however I do order and pick up my disposable contacts from them. I have never had a problem and everyone has always been helpful and polite.