Doctors stored woman's skull in her belly


Lawful neutral
Doctors stored woman's skull in her belly after live-saving brain surgery |

If there were no pictures, you wouldn’t believe Jamie Hilton’s extraordinary story. She spent 42 days after life-saving brain surgery with a quarter of her skull ‘living’ in her stomach.

The 36-year-old’s brush with death came after she stumbled and hit her head on a fishing trip with her husband, Nick, to Hell’s Canyon in Idaho in June.

She was taken unconscious to hospital in Boise where doctors found her brain had swollen.

They decided to remove a quarter of her skull to ease the swelling and put it inside her stomach to keep it sterile and nourished.


UnStAbLe YeT sAfE
At first I thought this was a surgery gone horribly wrong, but wow. The things doctors come up with.