DOD Appropriations bill slashes NMCI funding


It was explained at one time that NMCI meant No Messages Coming In. I got to retire before I had to experience this exciting, modern communications system first hand, but the horror stories I heard scare me today. One sticks out that there was a problem with units in country. Naples was unable to communicate with them and the trouble desk said it was a weekend and under their contract they had 48 hours to respond.

What a way to run a Navy!


Oh yay, that means even longer with the machine that was supposed to be replaced over a year ago.

1.8 GHz Celeron with 128 meg of ram and a 20 gig HD


Gummie said:
Naples was unable to communicate with them and the trouble desk said it was a weekend and under their contract they had 48 hours to respond.

One thing I can say about NMCI - they really really make you wish you didn't have to work with a computer.


New Member
Ahhhh ...makes me glad I went back to private industry.

I may face the possiblity of layoffs etc. but here is my PC at my desk now

P4 3.0Ghz
2 GB Ram
250 GB HDD

Oh and I am an Admin on my own machine, so all the nice little excel tools I want to load... on my machine they go in 5 min flat.

Ahhhh :razz:

Sorry couldnt resist. I HATED my NMCI laptop. After they loaded Office 2003 I was lucky to be able to have 2 Excel spreadsheets open at once without massive HDD thrashing.