Does anyone?


Originally posted by mixallagist
Does anyone know anything about Pleasanton, Texas?

the population of the City of Pleasanton, Texas is between 7,632 and 8,644

The residents of Pleasanton, Texas enjoy a comfortable annual temperature of 70 degrees F. and an average rainfall of 26.1 inches. The mean temperature on January 1st is 50 degrees F. and on June 1st is 78 degrees F. In between those dates, it can flucuate down to 22 degrees F. and upward to 110, but such extreems are rare

Pleasanton, Texas is known throughout the world as "The City of Live Oaks and Friendly Folks." In a word, it's "pleasant."


Be careful what u wish 4
I meant has anyone ever lived there? I might be moving there soon and I was just curious about schools etc........