Does anyone


Well-Known Member
Know this girl? I noticed her parked in the handicapped spot the other day (she clearly does not have handicapped plates or a tag) so I politely suggested she pick a different spot to park in. Her response was “this isn’t against the law” and she proceeded to argue with me and justify that she was fine to park there. I basically told her she’s a terrible human being and drove off...flash forward to today look who pulls up AGAIN in the handicapped spot. This dumb b*tch! So I took her picture and one of her parked in the spot and let her know I’d be sharing this so maybe one of her friends, co-workers, family members, could see this and infact tell her if you aren’t handicapped it is against the law to park there.


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happy to be living
Know this girl? I noticed her parked in the handicapped spot the other day (she clearly does not have handicapped plates or a tag) so I politely suggested she pick a different spot to park in. Her response was “this isn’t against the law” and she proceeded to argue with me and justify that she was fine to park there. I basically told her she’s a terrible human being and drove off...flash forward to today look who pulls up AGAIN in the handicapped spot. This dumb b*tch! So I took her picture and one of her parked in the spot and let her know I’d be sharing this so maybe one of her friends, co-workers, family members, could see this and infact tell her if you aren’t handicapped it is against the law to park there.

Call the cops!


Well-Known Member
I find the sign in the background amusing.... GFyS as she gives you the salute.


She actually wasn’t flipping me off she was gesturing why are you taking my picture. I’m telling you this chick is a total idiot. The more she argued that she was fine to be there or that I had no idea what she did for a living which also made it ok for her to park there the stupider I felt she was making me so I had to leave :lol:


Active Member
I realize there was no decal on her plate indicating handicap but can I assume she didn't have a tag in the window either?

I won't debate the legality of it as MD sure has some stupid laws and for all I know, there is some buried verbiage that this person is aware of that somehow makes it legal. But, even if such is the case, why the need to use that space when it's clear there are open spots immediately next to her? At that point, I'd also call her a sh!thole person.

1) You're either handicapped and have failed to display the proper decals and have opened yourself up to this line of questioning.


2) You're not handicapped and you're simply a POS.


Well-Known Member
Did you see her exit the vehicle either time? I ask because it is not illegal for someone to 'stand' in a handicapped spot unless it is posted.

As long as she remains in the vehicle (with the ability to move the vehicle if needed) then she is ok. As soon as she leaves the vehicle unattended... she can be ticketed.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Did you see her exit the vehicle either time? I ask because it is not illegal for someone to 'stand' in a handicapped spot unless it is posted.

As long as she remains in the vehicle (with the ability to move the vehicle if needed) then she is ok. As soon as she leaves the vehicle unattended... she can be ticketed.

Sorry, but that isn't so, if the space is marked for disabled parking.
Md. TRANSPORTATION Code Ann. § 21-1003 said:
(u) Parking spaces for individuals with disabilities. -- A person may not stop, stand, or park a vehicle unless for the use of an individual with a disability, in a space or zone marked as restricted for the use of individuals with disabilities.


I have seen programs in some states where you just need to email or text a picture of the car sitting in a handicapped spot with the license plate. If there parked there illegally of course. The offender will get a nice fat $500 ticket sent his way to the address registered. This program was implemented in one of those ghetto city areas where there are plenty of lazy azzez who park in the handicap spots and dont have credentials to do so. It was set up to allow legitimately handicap people to send in pictures of people in there spots who are not allowed to help solve the problem.

None the less id be calling the local police and trying to get a ticket issued if you have seen this offender before. Glad you stood up and mentioned some words to her about this.


Power with Control
Did you see her exit the vehicle either time? I ask because it is not illegal for someone to 'stand' in a handicapped spot unless it is posted.

As long as she remains in the vehicle (with the ability to move the vehicle if needed) then she is ok. As soon as she leaves the vehicle unattended... she can be ticketed.

You can follow the law, which the above post seems to indicate this lady was NOT, and still be an a#$hole person. Hell, people who drop off people them sit there parked waiting drive me crazy. I drop the wife on occasion, then go find a spot and wait there.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Interesting. Then, I guess all that money is being wasted on the "Handicapped Parking Only. No Standing" signs that I see posted. :shrug:

The "no standing" might be added for those that don't know what the law actually states.