Does she belong...


Well-Known Member
Received this e-mail today, disturbing read. Some of you might have vivid memeories about this period of history...


  • A TRAITOR.doc
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Well-Known Member
Even if some of those accusations are a bit fabricated, she is a traitor that should have been punished. It boggles my mind that so many dumass Americans bought her exercise video.

Negative Nancy:
Cancer is a bit over the top but I'd be all for a terminal case of diarrhea.


New Member
From the Word document:

"100 Years of Great Women" should never include a traitor whose hands are covered with the blood of so many patriots."

Patriots with blood on their hands -- who got that blood on their hands while committing dishonorable acts -- yet have been honored since George Washington. Obviously he was a great patriot, the leader of the Continental Army, overwhelmingly selected as our first president, and a man who fought well during the French & Indian War -- AFAIK the first major white man's war on the new continent. One wonders how many native Americans, who were defending their home, he alone killed or ordered killed.

All throughout the prosecution of the doctrine of Manifest Destiny, Indian killers were honored. American patriots were honored for committing genocide.

Honorable Americans with blood on their hands include every single slaveholding signer of the Declaration of Independence -- just for starters.

Honorable Americans with blood on their hands include those who've committed atrocities during war, but who were awarded medals of valor for other acts.

I confess ignorance of whether Jane Fonda did or did not actually commit acts of treason. But if she committed treason, she will not be the first American patriot, male or female, nonetheless to be honored.

In this country, there is honor in speaking one's mind. And there are those who consider this to be honor only when what's said lines up with their own POV.

I do not support our wars in Iraq or Afghanistan, and I am terrified that President Bush will see nothing wrong with invading another country before his term is over. Who on God's earth is the United States of America to wage war on a country that has not declared war upon us?! And do we honestly believe -- does George W. Bush, a man who professes to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ -- believe that a loving God intends such actions?

I am a patriot who loves her country -- yet does my refusal to support immoral war make me a traitor? No. I am fully within my rights under the Constitution to speak out against what I believe is wrong.

Edit: This "A Celebration: 100 Years of Great Women" is seven years old.
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jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Airgasm said:
Received this e-mail today, disturbing read. Some of you might have vivid memeories about this period of history...

:yay: As a sheltered and somewhat naive 20-something knowing nothing of her background, I bought one of her exercise tapes back in the 80's and brought it into my boyfriend's (a veteran) house. He had a major fit and it absolutely stunned me. I then read up on what she had done and gladly smashed it to smithereens.

She does not deserve my or anyone else's respect and I refuse to buy anything associated with her. She is and will always remain a traitor in my book. :boo:


New Member
Admittedly, I don't have a clue about Vietam other than what I have seen in movies and on TV.I was born in 1975. Both of my Grandfathers were there and neither of them talked about it..I'm ashamed of myself for my ignorance. I passed off the things I had heard about Jane Fonda as slander, thinking that no American could watch her own suffer. That no human being is so empty and careless that they can stand by as someone lies dying at her feet.

What kind of animal can stand there and witness horrors like that first hand and not shout out?? How cold is a woman who can look in the eyes of a dying man without saying a word?

I may laugh and joke about alot of things.. But veterans and old people deserve our utmost respect..They earned it, and someone should kick that b!itch back to Asia for her heartless behavior.



Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
I watched an episode of Biography on her a couple of months ago. I can't recall now her reasoning for her behavior, but the documentary was interesting nonetheless.

Jane Fonda.

Portrait of the Oscar winner, anti-Vietnam War activist, ex-Hollywood sex kitten, ex-wife of billionaire Ted Turner, daughter of screen legend Henry Fonda, and head of a multi-million-dollar exercise empire. Interviews with Robert Redford, Jon Voight, Lily Tomlin, and brother Peter Fonda, plus rare home movies and clips from such films as 9 to 5, On Golden Pond, and Klute illuminate this look at one of the 20th century's most captivating, controversial, and chameleonic figures.
A&E Biography


Was taught at survival school by one of the men that was a prisoner in the Hanoi Hilton. He told me some stories of old Jane. She's a real POS. The one where they handed her the pieces of paper with their SSN's on them. True. This guy, an E-3 in the Navy at the time, was the one that memorized all the mens social security numbers and was released.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
fat&happy said:
In this country, there is honor in speaking one's mind. And there are those who consider this to be honor only when what's said lines up with their own POV.
Interesting commentary.

The fact of the matter is, there is OUR side and there is THEIR side. Obviously we agree with OUR side, or it wouldn't be OUR side. Speaking your mind is a wonderful freedom we have here in these United States. But you cannot be surprised when WE criticize you for taking THEIR side, especially in a war.

So Jane Fonda has her free speech. Yippee! So do I! And I am free to say that Jane Fonda sucks and she is a traitor, just like she was free to champion the North Vietnamese who held our fathers, sons and brothers captive and tortured them. I did not like what she did. She does not like my reaction to what she did.

Even Steven.

I am a patriot who loves her country -- yet does my refusal to support immoral war make me a traitor?
No. What would make you a traitor is if you were to actively aid and support our enemy in time of war. There is "not supporting a war" and there is "actively supporting the enemy of your country". Know the difference and you will know why so many people loathe Jane Fonda with every bit of strength they can muster. It's not like she just dodged the draft and ran away to Canada.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
While the document might not be factual, Fonda did in my mind provide aid and comfort to the enemy with her tour and propaganda effort. She did it solely to show support for them, disdain for our service men and as such she betrayed our nation.

Some injuries heal with time but not this one, what she was doing back then created a wound that will never heal. No matter how many times she tries to apologize for what she did it will never be satisfactory for me.

To give you an idea of my disgust with her I’ll put it this way, if I happened to come upon her dying of thirst in the desert I wouldn't let her lick the sweat off my balls.


Lem Putt
Ken King said:
While the document might not be factual, Fonda did in my mind provide aid and comfort to the enemy with her tour and propaganda effort. She did it solely to show support for them, disdain for our service men and as such she betrayed our nation.

Some injuries heal with time but not this one, what she was doing back then created a wound that will never heal. No matter how many times she tries to apologize for what she did it will never be satisfactory for me.

To give you an idea of my disgust with her I’ll put it this way, if I happened to come upon her dying of thirst in the desert I wouldn't let her lick the sweat off my balls.
I'm not aware of her ever giving a real apology. Has she? Doesn't she still feel that everything she did was appropriate?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
MMDad said:
I'm not aware of her ever giving a real apology. Has she? Doesn't she still feel that everything she did was appropriate?
Miss Fonda regrets:

I would like to say something, not just to Vietnam veterans in New England, but to men who were in Vietnam, who I hurt, or whose pain I caused to deepen because of things that I said or did. I was trying to help end the killing and the war, but there were times when I was thoughtless and careless about it and I'm very sorry that I hurt them. And I want to apologize to them and their families. [...] I will go to my grave regretting the photograph of me in an anti-aircraft gun, which looks like I was trying to shoot at American planes. It hurt so many soldiers. It galvanized such hostility. It was the most horrible thing I could possibly have done. It was just thoughtless.

Negative Nancy

Pissy Biatch
Miss Fonda regrets:

<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: bbcode_quote -->

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">I will go to my grave regretting the photograph of me in an anti-aircraft gun, which looks like I was trying to shoot at American planes. It hurt so many soldiers. It galvanized such hostility. It was the most horrible thing I could possibly have done. It was just thoughtless. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<!-- END TEMPLATE: bbcode_quote -->I don't care. The only thing she could do now to make it better is to go to her grave. SHE SUCKS.


Negative Nancy said:
Miss Fonda regrets:

<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: bbcode_quote -->

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">I will go to my grave regretting the photograph of me in an anti-aircraft gun, which looks like I was trying to shoot at American planes. It hurt so many soldiers. It galvanized such hostility. It was the most horrible thing I could possibly have done. It was just thoughtless. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<!-- END TEMPLATE: bbcode_quote -->I don't care. The only thing she could do now to make it better is to go to her grave. SHE SUCKS.



Well-Known Member
I'm sure most prisoners presently incarcerated are extremely sorry for their actions but did society let them off the hook? NO! She is only sorry that so many people hate her but not sorry for for what she did to cause the hatred.
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