Does the sheriff's office do enoiugh traffic enforcment ?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
I'm not sure if they do enough, or if it is when they do it. It's almost like there's an unwritten rule not to do traffic enforcement during peak traffic periods unless absolutely necessary. Two examples from my little neck of the woods.

1. The long straight section of 249 between Tall Timbers and Piney Point. The speed limit is 50. I've encountered people traveling close 70 to HLSS in the morning, especially the closer you get to 8:00am.
2. LE will not run radar in the 30 MPH section of downtown Piney Point during morning and evening rush when people are flying, but they will during lunchtime when traffic is much lighter.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if they do enough, or if it is when they do it. It's almost like there's an unwritten rule not to do traffic enforcement during peak traffic periods unless absolutely necessary. Two examples from my little neck of the woods.

1. The long straight section of 249 between Tall Timbers and Piney Point. The speed limit is 50. I've encountered people traveling close 70 to HLSS in the morning, especially the closer you get to 8:00am.
2. LE will not run radar in the 30 MPH section of downtown Piney Point during morning and evening rush when people are flying, but they will during lunchtime when traffic is much lighter.

I have heard about a similar concern in other parts of the County.


Power with Control
To me it's not so much "do enough" as it is "do the right kind". Saw state troopers doing speed enforcement yesterday and today on 235. Pretty sure the incidence of crashes caused by speed is pretty low. On weekend mornings even lower. Same on my way up Rt 4 to PF this morning. 2-3 CCSO vehicles pointing lasers or radar out the window.



What County?

Charles Co - yes
St. Mary's Co - yes
Calvert Co- too much (lots of Roscoe P. Coaltrain types there)
So AA Co - yes
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Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Two Staties were doing speed enforcement in downtown Piney Point at 7:45am Monday morning in the rain.