Does this surprise anyone?

Ramp Guy

Well-Known Member
Voters: Democrats are America’s ‘biggest enemy’

In the best Gomer Pyle voice that's available... Surprise-Surprise-Surprise. Not!

The Democrats have an image problem, and it’s worse than China has.

According to a preview of results from testing in battleground state Pennsylvania, Rasmussen Reports pollster Mark Mitchell tweeted out what he dubbed “the scariest finding in our state polling so far.”

The question: “Who is the biggest enemy America currently faces, Iran, China, Russia, the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, or domestic extremists?”

The results:
  1. The Democratic Party — 25%.
  2. China — 20%.
  3. The GOP — 19%.
  4. Domestic extremists — 13%
  5. Russia — 11%.
  6. Iran — 7%.