Does Walz even know the word Hypocrite?

Ramp Guy

Active Member
The climate, the climate, we need to save the climate!
(BTW that only applies to the great unwashed, "US Elites" need to fly because WE are really important)

Just doing what hypocrites love to do. "Do as I say... not as I do!"

"Climate crusader Tim Walz flies less than 54 miles between non-airport Michigan campaign stops"

"During his time as Minnesota governor, Walz has fashioned himself as a climate crusader and mandated green energy for state residents, regardless of the uncertainty.

Politico declared him “*the* climate pick,” suggesting he would bring the climate agenda back to a race that has largely been void of it."

,,,and as an aside comment....

"Hurricane forecasts poised to be spectacularly overstated, raising doubt about climate science"​

"Penn State celebrity climate scientist Michael Mann announced in April that his research group’s 2024 North Atlantic season forecast was expecting an “unprecedented” 33 named storms, with a range between 27 and 39. That prediction has turned out to be a dud."

"With the hurricane season refusing to produce the “turbocharged” extreme weather so-called climate journalists have been warning about, these reporters are now worried that people will start to doubt the alarm."

Gosh, ya think! -----The sky is falling, the sky is falling.-----

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