Dog murders cop...


It'll make ya feel good..
Today in the news,
Three dogs attempting to serve a warrant today, arrived at 666 Maple St, to take Mr. Wags into custody. One of the dogs, while walking around the side of the building, was startled by a chained up cop on the side of the building. This dog, being so scared, produced a pistol, and shot the cop multiple times. The owners of the cop arrived home to find their dead, chained up cop on the side of the house, and a note from the dogs saying, we apologize for killing your cop, but we were attempting to serve a warrant for child support. Have Mr. Wags turn himself in at the local station. Please have a nice day! :) "


Well-Known Member
Tomahawk202 said:
Today in the news,
Three dogs attempting to serve a warrant today, arrived at 666 Maple St, to take Mr. Wags into custody. One of the dogs, while walking around the side of the building, was startled by a chained up cop on the side of the building. This dog, being so scared, produced a pistol, and shot the cop multiple times. The owners of the cop arrived home to find their dead, chained up cop on the side of the house, and a note from the dogs saying, we apologize for killing your cop, but we were attempting to serve a warrant for child support. Have Mr. Wags turn himself in at the local station. Please have a nice day! :) "

I am sure the human deserved it -- after all he was chained up!

u gotta love me

New Member
Tomahawk202 said:
Today in the news,
Three dogs attempting to serve a warrant today, arrived at 666 Maple St, to take Mr. Wags into custody. One of the dogs, while walking around the side of the building, was startled by a chained up cop on the side of the building. This dog, being so scared, produced a pistol, and shot the cop multiple times. The owners of the cop arrived home to find their dead, chained up cop on the side of the house, and a note from the dogs saying, we apologize for killing your cop, but we were attempting to serve a warrant for child support. Have Mr. Wags turn himself in at the local station. Please have a nice day! :) "

:killingme :killingme You forgot the part where the dogs goes to the back and tries to cut himself to make it look like the human tried to bite him.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
Tomahawk202 said:
Today in the news,
Three dogs attempting to serve a warrant today, arrived at 666 Maple St, to take Mr. Wags into custody. One of the dogs, while walking around the side of the building, was startled by a chained up cop on the side of the building. This dog, being so scared, produced a pistol, and shot the cop multiple times. The owners of the cop arrived home to find their dead, chained up cop on the side of the house, and a note from the dogs saying, we apologize for killing your cop, but we were attempting to serve a warrant for child support. Have Mr. Wags turn himself in at the local station. Please have a nice day! :) "
When I read this, this quote came to mind
Abraham Lincoln said:
'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Tomahawk202 said:
Today in the news,
Three dogs attempting to serve a warrant today, arrived at 666 Maple St, to take Mr. Wags into custody. One of the dogs, while walking around the side of the building, was startled by a chained up cop on the side of the building. This dog, being so scared, produced a pistol, and shot the cop multiple times. The owners of the cop arrived home to find their dead, chained up cop on the side of the house, and a note from the dogs saying, we apologize for killing your cop, but we were attempting to serve a warrant for child support. Have Mr. Wags turn himself in at the local station. Please have a nice day! :) "
Well that was stupid.


New Member
Tomahawk202 said:
Today in the news,
Three dogs attempting to serve a warrant today, arrived at 666 Maple St, to take Mr. Wags into custody. One of the dogs, while walking around the side of the building, was startled by a chained up cop on the side of the building. This dog, being so scared, produced a pistol, and shot the cop multiple times. The owners of the cop arrived home to find their dead, chained up cop on the side of the house, and a note from the dogs saying, we apologize for killing your cop, but we were attempting to serve a warrant for child support. Have Mr. Wags turn himself in at the local station. Please have a nice day! :) "

Yea, I'm sure the dog was frightened. I recently saw where a cop with some balls actually was attacked by several large dogs and by damned, didn't have to shoot any of them.
Hmmmmmmmmm....What does that say about Mr. Long?

Funny how this "cop" was chained up. Get your facts straight ding dong.

Long's story was that he was attacked by a dog that broke off of it's leash.
I say it's too damned bad that there aren't some witnesses here like in the Vick case.
Do you see the outrage here? Mr. Triggerfinger should count his lucky stars.
All hell would be on the entire county if JUST 1 person would testify against this guy.

The world would come crashing down with the wrath of God. But don't worry, election time is coming up soon.

Revenge will be very sweet. :elaine: :elaine:


New Member
88stringslouie said:
Yea, I'm sure the dog was frightened. I recently saw where a cop with some balls actually was attacked by several large dogs and by damned, didn't have to shoot any of them.
Hmmmmmmmmm....What does that say about Mr. Long?

Funny how this "cop" was chained up. Get your facts straight ding dong.

Long's story was that he was attacked by a dog that broke off of it's leash.
I say it's too damned bad that there aren't some witnesses here like in the Vick case.
Do you see the outrage here? Mr. Triggerfinger should count his lucky stars.
All hell would be on the entire county if JUST 1 person would testify against this guy.

The world would come crashing down with the wrath of God. But don't worry, election time is coming up soon.

Revenge will be very sweet. :elaine: :elaine:

There are actually people that GIVE A #### about a dog being murdered.
If you don't think so, read the news about Mr. Vick. He's going down big time to Chinatown.


Well-Known Member
dmh said:


Well-Known Member
88stringslouie said:
There are actually people that GIVE A #### about a dog being murdered.
If you don't think so, read the news about Mr. Vick. He's going down big time to Chinatown.
How freaking old are you with that going down to chinatown bit? What a looser!