

Active Member
Yay!!!...of course the Giants are going to come back I am sure. I love watching it live though no matter what the outcome.


Supper's Ready
Yay!!!...of course the Giants are going to come back I am sure. I love watching it live though no matter what the outcome.

How do you like the stadium?

I saw a few Dolphins jerseys in the crowd and wondered if it was the pug group. :lol:


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Miami looks worse than Maryland did yesterday. Farewell Tony Sparano. Hello #1 draft pick but Andrew Luck will be NO GOOD behind that Offensive line. Can you say Patrick Ramsey?


Active Member
Miami looks worse than Maryland did yesterday. Farewell Tony Sparano. Hello #1 draft pick but Andrew Luck will be NO GOOD behind that Offensive line. Can you say Patrick Ramsey?

So many Dolphin fans duct taped "Suck for Luck" over the name on their jersey. There was even a guy dressed as Ray Finkle:killingme. He looked just like him too.
It was a good game though....we'll maybe interesting might be a better word. A good game to be there because it was not a blow out. An for the most part the Giant fans were nice. We had one a-hole a few rows behind us but he apologized at the end of the game so it was no big deal.
And the weather ended up being nice as well. I did not even have a coat on until the last 5 minutes when the sun went behind the stadium and it got chilly. All and all I was very happy with my first NFL game.