Dominion Systems


PREMO Member
96% Of Dominion Voting Systems Political Donations Went To Democrats

The company in question, Dominion Voting Systems, improperly counted ballots to create a fraudulent win for Joe Biden in Antrim County, Michigan and caused several other “glitches” that required extended voting hours and delayed results.

Federal Election Commission (FEC) records, however, reveal the company is overwhelmingly staffed by Democratic donors – perhaps contributing to the explanation as to how the machines malfunctioned exclusively to Biden’s benefit.


Well-Known Member
Not going to jump on the illegal vote train but this certainly deserves more than a glance from DOJ.
I have absolutely no faith in the DOJ.
Barr hasn't shown me sh!t.

IMO he just held the job and did nothing in fear of a Democrat win.


Well-Known Member
I have absolutely no faith in the DOJ.
Barr hasn't shown me sh!t.

IMO he just held the job and did nothing in fear of a Democrat win.

Which is odd because the Dems have consistently railed against him as being Trump's personal lawyer and not the nation's.


Well-Known Member
I'm skeptical of the claims being made about the Dominion software. I've "heard" all kinds of things - one is that it can alter the outcome of an election by redirecting votes cast based on an internal algorithm - that it can do something like establish a certain baseline cap to the candidate they want to LOSE and then add votes to the intended winner in a predetermined ratio to the loser's. For example, it can cap Trump's votes to say, 4000 in a county and then every vote after is only given after his opponent gets a certain more - thus thwarting any obvious pattern.

I suspect a smart programmer would introduce a random element after the tilting (so long as it still favors the "winner").

That could be proven mathematically - but hard to prove in reality. Hence - no faith in the claim.

Lindsey Graham has also said that - I don't know if it's Dominion - but that the software needed to inspect for signatures can TURN OFF the feature that does this - and that he found it WAS turned off - so mail-ins without signatures could be admitted. Mail-ins with no signatures are invalid - they're basically a blank check.

I'm puzzled but not surprised that the Dems insist that 2016 was fraudulent but no cases of fraud ever surfaced after years of investigation and they admitted that the "fraud" was advertising by a handful of Russian hackers. But they win a national election - and I hear REPEATEDLY on the news - yes, I don't just look or listen to sources that confirm my bias - that "NO EVIDENCE of fraud has been found" even though they have produced names, places, and so forth on actual fraud -

And then claim THIS election did NOT have any fraud. Let me mention that again - 2016 supposedly was riddled with fraud even once it was shown it did not - THIS one according to them has ZERO fraud even though we have actual specific cases of fraud.

Unfortunately the only way to prove this is to privately count every single legitimate ballot AND verify it's legal.

If it were up to me, I'd have several teams operating independently and in isolation to confirm each other's totals.


PREMO Member
Dominion Voting Systems: Glitch, Clinton Tie Cause Scrutiny in 2020 Election

1. Dominion’s Technology Serves 40% of American Voters; the Company Gave Money to the Clinton Foundation & Uses Some Parts From China

Dominion Voting Systems has a web of links to companies tied to Washington power players.

A 2014 State of California document indicates Dominion’s agent of record at that time was Boston lawyer Michael Bevilacqua of Wilmer Hale. Former special prosecutor Robert Mueller works for that firm. Dominion earned $44 million in 2012, according to the form. It listed its addresses for manufacturing and development as Toronto; Belgrade, Serbia; Denver; Plano, Texas; and Baldwin Park, California. A 2020 filing lists their registered agent as Cogency Global in Florida. Its directors were listed as Hootan Yaghoobzadeh of Staple Street Capital, Stephen Owens, also of Staple Street, and Benjamin Humphreys. Yaghoobzadeh and Owens have past ties to the Carlyle Group investment firm.

The New York Times reported in June 2020 on issues in the Georgia primary. Dominion’s spokesperson “said the company had to replace only 20 components for 30,000 machines” in the Georgia primary, calling it “a very low number for a statewide voting system rollout across 159 counties.”

The Times reported that some Democrats in the Georgia Legislature opposed purchasing the system but there is “some evidence that heavy lobbying and sales tactics have played a role in their adoption in Georgia and elsewhere.”

Georgia alone has eight registered lobbyists for Dominion, and they include Lewis Abit Massey, a former Democratic Georgia Secretary of State, and Jared Thomas, former chief of staff for Republican Governor Brian Kemp, according to The Times.

According to, “He is a youth hockey coach and a mentor to young aspiring business students. He is an active member of YPO, and part of an alliance of Greek-Canadian entrepreneurs who share a common goal to preserve their heritage.”
Poulos was the face of the company before Congress, where he was peppered with questions about whether the company gets components from China.

During congressional testimony in January, Poulos said: “We do have components in our products that come from China. Our tabulated products have always been manufactured in the United States.” He said the Chinese components included “LCD components, the actual glass screen on the interface down to the chip component level…there’s no option for manufacturing of those in the United States. We would welcome guidelines and best practices.”

2. The State of Texas Rejected the Company’s Machines & Problems Arose With a Contracted Company in the Philippines That Has Ties to George Soros

3. In Georgia, a Vendor Upload Delayed Voting

4. The Company Insists No Software Error Was Found in Michigan When Votes Flipped From Biden to Trump

5. Dominion Voting Systems Denied Rumors That Sharpies Invalidated People’s Votes in Arizona, but There Were Problems With Sharpies in Pennsylvania in 2019


PREMO Member
Paper Warned About the Software Company at Center of Ballot Glitches in Swing States; UPDATE: MI SOS Responds

The Michigan State Republican Party on Friday revealed that a software glitch caused 6,000 Republican ballots to be counted toward Democrat's totals. The issue was eventually corrected when officials in Antrim County hand-counted the ballots, which caused their county to flip to President Donald Trump. According to the Michigan Republican Party Chairwoman, 48 of the state's 83 counties use the same software from Dominion Voting Systems.

There are now issues arising in Georgia in Spalding and Morgan Counties after it was revealed that a software update Monday night caused voting machines to crash on Election Day.

Spalding County Board of Elections Supervisor Marcia Ridley told POLITICO Dominion Voting Systems performed an update on machines. KnowInk, which makes electronic poll books to sign voters, also created an update. Both are something that is out of the norm, Ridley said.


PREMO Member
Dominion Voting Machines Issues EXPLAINED - By the New York Times! Viva Frei Vlawg



Well-Known Member
Which is odd because the Dems have consistently railed against him as being Trump's personal lawyer and not the nation's.

It is my conviction that the democrats complain about anything and everything that trump does no matter what it is.
He has gotten 3 IMO major treaties in the Middle east and that fact was totally ignored by the Democrats and the media.
This latest a-hole that he fired from the Pentagon---well I don't know why he assigned him there to start with, but I sure hope he moves the troops out of Afghanistan before he leaves office.


PREMO Member
Univ. of Michigan Computer Scientist Warned About Voting Machine Vulnerabilities in 2018

In April 2018, the Times published an opinion video featuring J. Alex Halderman, a University of Michigan computer scientist, demonstrating how easy it would rig a voting machine to a group of students.

In the video, Halderman demonstrates how voting machines are “dangerous” and “obsolete” by holding a mock election with University of Michigan students. Halderman had previously testified before Congress, warning that computerized voting is “vulnerable to sabotage” and “cyberattacks that could change votes.”

“I’m here to tell you that the electronic voting machines Americans got to solve the problem of voting integrity, they turned out to be an awful idea,” Halderman says in the video. “That’s because people like me can hack them, all too easily.”

Halderman set up an election with various computer voting machines, asking students to vote between the University of Michigan and their arch-rival, Ohio State University.

Ohio State ultimately “won” the election because Halderman had already hacked the machine to silently switch the votes.


Well-Known Member
I don't trust the voting machines any more than I do the electronic slot machines.
I don't play them either. Too easy to set them so they never pay off.

The old mechanical ones could not be tampered with as easily.