I dont know what to do with the website i own. I bought Probaseballtalk.com like 2 years ago and dont know what to do with it. msnbc owns Profootballtalk.com, probasketballtalk.com, prohockeytalk.com, progolftalk.com, collegefootballtalk.com and there baseball site is hardballtalk.com. You would think they would want them all to be the same and would want to buy probaseballtalk. I just dont know what or how to do it i got it on godaddy.com and i got it on auction on there but i dont know how people can find it if they wanted to. Does anyone have any ideas or know what i should do. If i make a good chunk of cash i would love to give some to someone if they help me sell it. I would think it would be worth alittle bit of cash