Don't look now but there's bias against Bolton...


Asperger's Poster Child
Damn right there's bias against Michael Bolton. His singing sounds like an asthmatic seal at the height of mating season. He should rot in jail forever for his butchering of the great soul song "When a Man Loves a Woman"...

sorry, wrong Bolton... :blushing:


Asperger's Poster Child
Seriously, Larry, I don't like John Leo much.

He used to do a column for TV Guide. After the Oklahoma City bombing, he wrote an installment criticizing the media for automatically assuming that the bombing was the work of Arab terrorists. That was a valid point. But then he came very close to implying that the bombing was justified because of what happened at Waco. TV Guide (hardly a liberal publication) dropped him when readers complained about that installment.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
What's more interesting to me is below it, the old story about the Italian journalist who was kidnapped and whose kidnappers were secretly paid off by the Italian government. Her remark was that her being shot at was no accident - it was deliberate because of her views. She denies that her car was moving quickly, nor was there a checkpoint at Baghdad airport - although I'm certain there HAS to be one, even without knowing more about it.

What's glaring me in the face is, there was a secret deal with the Italian government - and Joe Average American G.I. not only knows all about it, he knows which car she's in and when she'll be there, so she can be shot at.

I mean, EITHER way, the story is stupid. We have to assume that a secret deal WAS disclosed to a checkpoint G.I. AND THEN he shot at her anyway, or, NOT knowing, shot at a slow moving vehicle for no damned reason whatsoever. Oh wait a minute. There was no checkpoint at ALL. So there were just American GI's waiting to shoot her, *MISSED*, but otherwise they had no reason to be where they were. And they did this because, well, she's a communist.

Gotta go with Occam's Razor - the simplest explanation tends to be the right one. They didn't tell anyone, no one knew who was in the car, they ignored security and warning shots, and someone got accidentally shot. When someone actually got KILLED, they stopped the car and spilled the news.

Makes a WHOLE lot more sense than, American military tells everyone at the airport, including security, there's this Italian communist coming to the airport, and we want you to KILL her because her ransom was paid by the Italians, she's a communist, but when she openly surrenders - because you're all really lousy shots when you're *PREPARED TO KILL SOMEONE AHEAD OF TIME* AND THEY ARE DRIVING SLOWLY - you're to allow her to LIVE and badmouth you all to the press.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...I can just see this US hating chick and her posse MAKING sure US grunts on the street know ALL about the big super secret ass saving mission to get her holiness out of Dodge.

The fact that she got out alive speaks VOLUMES.

Anyway, this is bait for RR so he can quit applying noble motives to Senate Democrats and their intentions as regards filibustering Bush enough to be a pain and not enough to lose more seats next time.


New Member
Larry, Democrats won't be filibustering Bolton. At least I hope not; Bush deserves who he wants in executive branch positions. (I, myself, wouldn't appoint him, but hey, whatever floats your boat).