Don't Taze me, bro!!!


Power with Control
Whats crazy about this, Larry? Apnea is a real thing, that causes heartache for a lot of folks. If a little juice to keep that muscle from relaxing is all lit takes, why not? I dont know if you have ever seen CPAP machine, but its more silly than an implant.

And no, I dont have apnea, just know folks who do.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Whats crazy about this, Larry? Apnea is a real thing, that causes heartache for a lot of folks. If a little juice to keep that muscle from relaxing is all lit takes, why not? I dont know if you have ever seen CPAP machine, but its more silly than an implant.

And no, I dont have apnea, just know folks who do.

Well, I have apnea and I have a CPAP, the single greatest invention in the history of the solar system, and I will take wearing my little mask and the inconvenience of caring for it, traveling with it and dependency on it any and every day over some operation to put a tazer in my skull.

How long before the old lady finds the remote, figures out how to adjust the power and, viola, every time she asks "Watch football game or come with me to pick out paint?" and all I can say is "zzzahhhhrrggaahh!!!!"

Think man, THINK!!!


Power with Control
Hmm, I assume its an RF remote. That means it could be programmed to operate using a universal remote:) Wonder where I can get those codes:wench:
But, really, depends on where they input the signal, I imagine its not that intrusive. So, call it an hour or two under the knife, and never have to deal with the inconvenience of the machine again?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
But, really, depends on where they input the signal, I imagine its not that intrusive. So, call it an hour or two under the knife, and never have to deal with the inconvenience of the machine again?

The question is trading the CPAP and the little daily inconveniences for an operation and then whatever goes wrong with it over the years, whatever it does to your body, however often maintenance needs to be done, replacement, upgrade, what have you. Right?

The idea of 'never' having to worry about the little daily inconveniences is attractive. That comes at a price. Life has taught me that, sometimes, it ain't worth it.



-----some operation to put a tazer in my skull.


The device goes under the skin near the collarbone and a small wire is run to the tongue. No major surgery - nothing in the skull. Very similar to the pacemakers routinely used today. Pacemaker surgery is now considered minor surgery using local anesthetics.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
In ads for alternate apnea remedies, they always have these scary contraptions over the guy's face, like a Snifit or something. In reality, the CPAP isn't all that big of a deal and is quite small.


I'm Rick James #####!
That CPAP has to pretty much kill the spontaneous 2:00am "taptaptap... SURPRISE!!!" unless your women has a darth vader fetish...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That CPAP has to pretty much kill the spontaneous 2:00am "taptaptap... SURPRISE!!!" unless your women has a darth vader fetish...

Far from it. In fact, quite the opposite. It's more like 2am *booooing* and then, "Talk to me Goose!!! Watch it!!! *ccauuugghh* Bogey's at your six!!!! Coming in low and hard!!! *caauuugghhh*" and "Get in there, Mav! Take the shot! *caauuuggghhh*Take the shot!"



I'm Rick James #####!
Far from it. In fact, quite the opposite. It's more like 2am *booooing* and then, "Talk to me Goose!!! Watch it!!! *ccauuugghh* Bogey's at your six!!!! Coming in low and hard!!! *caauuugghhh*" and "Get in there, Mav! Take the shot! *caauuuggghhh*Take the shot!"


Ooooohhhhhhh, crap. I think I just pulled something in my side. :roflmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Far from it. In fact, quite the opposite. It's more like 2am *booooing* and then, "Talk to me Goose!!! Watch it!!! *ccauuugghh* Bogey's at your six!!!! Coming in low and hard!!! *caauuugghhh*" and "Get in there, Mav! Take the shot! *caauuuggghhh*Take the shot!"

