Doomsday Preppers


Well-Known Member
Does anyone else watch this show?

I really need to stop watching this show. I just found myself searching for a "bug out bag" :lol:


A Salute to all on Watch
I watched for about 10 minutes on evening, I couldn't take anymore and decided to go change the air in my car tires from winter to summer. Think I did it too early? :shrug:


Soul Probe
I watched one show and found myself getting paranoid thinking I had to stock up on at least one year's worth of supplies!! :cds:


Well-Known Member
I watched for about 10 minutes on evening, I couldn't take anymore and decided to go change the air in my car tires from winter to summer. Think I did it too early? :shrug:
I watched one show and found myself getting paranoid thinking I had to stock up on at least one year's worth of supplies!! :cds:

That is my issue right now. I am thinking man we'd be screwed if something happen. :cds:


Well-Known Member
I've watched it a few times...

While I think most of those popel are a bit crazy, and over the top, they do have some pretty good points.

IF Sh!t does hit the fan, they will be fine, while the rest of us will be fighting at a grocery store. I think having 3 years worth of food and water stockpiled in your basement may be a bit much, but it definately couldn't hurt to have a few cases of water, non-perishables, and a few guns laying around.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
I watched for about 10 minutes on evening, I couldn't take anymore and decided to go change the air in my car tires from winter to summer. Think I did it too early? :shrug:

I dunno if I would have posted that info on a public forum. What if it was too early and you have a wreck?:whistle:


curiouser and curiouser
We watch it. Dustin has a mild paranoia about that stuff so he has bug-out paraphernalia I tease him about it, but he's nowhere near as hyped up as the people on the show and it is good to be prepared because that stuff can be used in case of hurricanes or whatever.


Well-Known Member
We watch it. Dustin has a mild paranoia about that stuff so he has bug-out paraphernalia I tease him about it, but he's nowhere near as hyped up as the people on the show and it is good to be prepared because that stuff can be used in case of hurricanes or whatever.

That is what I was thinking also. I know they say so and so is prepping for a volcano, erath quake, finanacial collapse, etc... but I mean they are pretty much good to go for most crisis.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
My wife has got several months stock pile in the basement. She's a doomsday preppers but not on the scale of those on the show.


curiouser and curiouser
We watch it. Dustin has a mild paranoia about that stuff so he has bug-out paraphernalia I tease him about it, but he's nowhere near as hyped up as the people on the show and it is good to be prepared because that stuff can be used in case of hurricanes or whatever.
Talk about a run-on sentence. :lmao:


New Member
That is what I was thinking also. I know they say so and so is prepping for a volcano, erath quake, finanacial collapse, etc... but I mean they are pretty much good to go for most crisis.

:yeahthat: There is nothing wrong in planning for an emergency no matter what it may be. I have supplies set aside in a closet.(food, batteries, etc.) I do not touch those for everyday use. I am lacking in my water storage though.