CSM Doris Cammack-Spencer is Keynote Speaker at CSM’s ‘Day of Discovery’ for Southern Maryland’s Administrative Professionals

Administrative Professionals Week falls on the last week of April and has long been devoted to celebrating administrative professionals as the – too often – unsung heroes of a workplace. The WorkForce Center at the College of Southern Maryland (CSM) aims to honor and inspire these valuable employees with its fourth annual Administrative Professional Development Day.

The April 24 event will follow the theme “Day of Discovery” and from 8:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. give participants an opportunity to participate in a variety of insightful educational sessions as well as enjoy breakfast and lunch at the Greater Waldorf Jaycees Community Center.

“The event is designed to celebrate Administrative Professionals Day and honor the valued work by administrative professionals in our local community,” said CSM Business and Information Technology Program Coordinator Paula Coluzzi.

Southern Maryland Minority Chamber of Commerce President and Chief Executive Officer Doris Cammack-Spencer will serve as the keynote speaker, offering the day’s first presentation, featuring lessons Cammack-Spencer said she has learned during her own long career, which began work in a federal government typing pool in the 1970s.

“I began my career as a GS2 Keypunch Operator and retired as a GM-15, Director, Office Information Resources Management,” Cammack-Spencer said. “As a black woman, it wasn’t easy, but I was blessed with a family that refused to allow challenges to stop them from pursuing excellence.”

Cammack-Spencer plans to share how having an open mind to learning new things made all the difference in her success.

“As a child, I was taught that the quickest way to learn is to admit what you don’t know; that you don’t know all the answers,” Cammack-Spencer shared. “Instead of spending time trying to prove to how much I knew, I spent time learning more about what I didn’t know, especially about the organization’s mission and my role therein; being relevant.”

Cammack-Spencer said she will encourage attendees to focus on their weaknesses, not their strengths.

“Focus on humility instead of confidence,” she added. “Focus on listening instead of talking. Successes throughout my career were a result of demonstrating that I wanted to excel and understanding that to do so meant I had to go the extra mile.”

Other presentations at CSM’s Administrative Professionals Development Day will include discussions on emotional intelligence, gaining wisdom though life’s experiences, the evolution of the executive assistant and thriving with new technology, and increasing safety in the workplace.

Cost for the event is $125 per participant, which includes breakfast and lunch. Learn about with special group pricing available for groups of five or more by contacting workforcecenter@csmd.edu or calling 301-934-7835. To register and for more information, visit www.csmd.edu/AdminProfessionalsDevDay.

To learn more about the origins of Administrative Professionals Day, visit www.iaap-hq.org/page/AdminProDay. For more about the CSM WorkForce Center, visit http://workforce.csmd.edu.

[ This article originally appeared here ]