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New Member
I was just wondering what kind of speeds you people get with your ISP? And to all GMP Express Cable Subscribers, would you recommend their Internet Service or not?? You input would be greatly appreciated, thanks.


Indy Bound
I have GMP cable modem. I like it alot, but its down more than its up. I don't think GMP has their act together and their lines go down all the time. It is the best way to go when it working though.


I have verizon dsl which gives 768 down, 128 up. It is fairly stable, but I don't like the log in program. It tends to lock up every now and again and has caused several crashes.

I used to have HSA cable service, which was sold to Western shore and then GMP. I had the 500 up, 500 down service. The higher upload speed was nice, but it did go down quite a bit. Plus It took them six months to figure out the signal strength problem I had when I first signed up. When I moved last year, they told me it would work at my new location just by plugging it in. So after I moved, I plugged it in and it didn't work. After spending a month calling the tech support and getting told that they had forwarded my problem to the local office, I canceled my service, because I never once heard back from them. In fact, the only time I ever heard back from them was 6 months later when the billing department called me and asked if I still had the service, because they didn't even know what was going on.


I have comcast. I have been down say 2 hours tops in the past 6 months. I love it!


Cable Modem

Some people say their cable modem is down more then up with HSAnet/

Well it depends on what area you are in i guess, I have been using it since 1997 and it has only gone out during storms, and from time to time it goes out for 5 or ten minutes tops.

Since GMPEXPRESS switch to DOCSIS cable modems, it has never gone down, (the last month or so) it just jump around in speed from 100kbps to 7.5 Mbps and that is checking bandwith speeds from

But I did get a 20Meg file in 30Sec which is about 500KBps but averages 200KBps.

see attached pic!

I hope the speed doesn't slow as more people switch over from the old ATM cable modems (com21's)

I am in the California area.


  • speedtest.jpg
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I just got Comcast today. I had signed up for it about a month ago and FINALLY! :dude:

I will see how reliable it is. I had HSAnet for about 2 weeks when I lived in St. Mary's County and the darn thing never worked. I took it back and was finally able to get them to stop billing me about three months after that.

TQCI worked great for me. I still have them as backup (until I feel comfortable with Comcast).