I have verizon dsl which gives 768 down, 128 up. It is fairly stable, but I don't like the log in program. It tends to lock up every now and again and has caused several crashes.
I used to have HSA cable service, which was sold to Western shore and then GMP. I had the 500 up, 500 down service. The higher upload speed was nice, but it did go down quite a bit. Plus It took them six months to figure out the signal strength problem I had when I first signed up. When I moved last year, they told me it would work at my new location just by plugging it in. So after I moved, I plugged it in and it didn't work. After spending a month calling the tech support and getting told that they had forwarded my problem to the local office, I canceled my service, because I never once heard back from them. In fact, the only time I ever heard back from them was 6 months later when the billing department called me and asked if I still had the service, because they didn't even know what was going on.