Good lord, so is COVID fake now? Basically everyone in this forum said they got it, some even did they lost their sense of smell.
I'm pretty sure the question is: how bad is it really?
When I had it, it was the flu. Not even the worst flu I've ever had. And that seems to be on par with what everyone I personally know is saying about their bout with it. Sure, some people had it rough - non-covid flu kills people every single year and always has. Some people can't fight off the buggies, and that's not some brand new thing that came about with covid.
There were not more deaths than there usually are in any other year. That's a stat, you can check it yourself. And the Marxists are coming up with all these pretzel logic excuses as to why their hysterical predictions never came to fruition, that are demonstrable lies.
Now, you can believe lies if you want to, but I choose not to do that.
You can flip out and run down the street naked with your hair on fire, and I choose not to do that either.